Beamable SDK
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Beamable.Inventory.Scripts.InventoryMainMenu Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Beamable.Inventory.Scripts.InventoryMainMenu:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Beamable.Inventory.Scripts.InventoryMainMenu:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

RectTransform GroupContainer
InventoryGroupUI GroupUIPrefab
- Public Attributes inherited from Beamable.UI.Scripts.MenuBase
StringBinding Title
bool Float = false
bool DestoryOnLeave
UnityEvent OnOpen
UnityEvent OnClosed

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Beamable.UI.Scripts.MenuBase
virtual void OnOpened ()
virtual string GetTitleText ()
virtual void OnWentBack ()
void Hide ()
- Properties inherited from Beamable.UI.Scripts.MenuBase
MenuManagementBehaviour Manager [get, set]

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