Beamable SDK
Public Member Functions | Properties | List of all members
Beamable.Common.Api.Groups.GroupsApi Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Beamable.Common.Api.Groups.GroupsApi:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Beamable.Common.Api.Groups.GroupsApi:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 GroupsApi (IUserContext ctx, IBeamableRequester requester)
Promise< GroupUserGetUser (long gamerTag)
Promise< GroupGetGroup (long groupId)
Promise< EmptyResponseDisbandGroup (long group)
Promise< GroupMembershipResponseLeaveGroup (long group)
Promise< GroupMembershipResponseJoinGroup (long group)
Promise< EmptyResponsePetition (long group)
Promise< GroupSearchResponseGetRecommendations ()
Promise< GroupSearchResponseSearch (string name=null, List< string > enrollmentTypes=null, bool? hasSlots=null, long? scoreMin=null, long? scoreMax=null, string sortField=null, int? sortValue=null, int? offset=null, int? limit=null)
Promise< GroupCreateResponseCreateGroup (GroupCreateRequest request)
Promise< AvailabilityResponseCheckAvailability (string name, string tag)
Promise< EmptyResponseSetGroupProps (long groupId, GroupUpdateProperties props)
Promise< GroupMembershipResponseKick (long group, long gamerTag)
Promise< EmptyResponseSetRole (long group, long gamerTag, string role)
Promise< EmptyResponseMakeDonationRequest (long group, Currency currency)
Promise< EmptyResponseDonate (long group, long recipientId, long amount)
string AddQuery (string query, string key, string value)
virtual Promise< GroupsViewGetCurrent (string scope="")
- Public Member Functions inherited from Beamable.Common.Api.ISupportsGet< GroupsView >
Promise< TData > GetCurrent (string scope="")


IUserContext Ctx [get]
IBeamableRequester Requester [get]

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