Beamable SDK
Classes | Enumerations | Functions
Beamable Namespace Reference


class  AbsModuleConfigurationObject
class  AgnosticAttribute
 This type defines the field attribute that marks a Beamable ContentObject field as compatible with Beamable Microservices. More...
class  API
 This is the legacy way to access Beamable. It will still work, and internally maps to the new way. However, please use the new way, but accessing BeamContext.Default ![img beamable-logo] More...
class  BaseModuleConfigurationObject
class  Beam
 Beam is a bootstrapping class for Beamable. It managers registration for the dependency injection, and provides a few helper methods for Unity wide operations.
class  BeamableBehaviour
 This component is a Unity component hook to access a BeamContext object. Every BeamableBehaviour has one BeamContext. The gameobject that holds this component may also be used by Beamable to store other required components for the BeamContext. More...
class  BeamableConfigurationConstants
class  BeamableContentExtensions
class  BeamableDisplayModule
class  BeamableEnvironment
class  BeamableModule
class  BeamContext
class  BeamContextExtensions
class  BeamContextInitException
class  BeamEditor
class  BeamEditorContext
class  ConfigData
class  CoreConfiguration
class  CustomerDTO
class  CustomerResponse
class  EnvironmentData
class  Extensions
class  GameObjectContextExtensions
interface  IBeamableAPI
 This interface represents a collection of Beamable APIs and data structures. This type defines the Client main entry point for the main Beamable features. More...
interface  IConfigurationConstants
interface  IGameObjectContext
interface  IHasSourcePath
 This type defines those types with a SourcePath More...
interface  IObservedPlayer
 The observed player has a limited subset of functionality from the larger BeamContext. More...
class  ModuleConfigurationNotReadyException
class  ModuleConfigurationObject
class  MonoBehaviourExtensions
class  PlatformSubscribableExtensions
class  ProjectDTO
class  PromiseExtensions
class  PromiseYieldInstruction


enum  BeamableBehaviourBootstrapType { NONE , ON_START , ON_UPDATE }


delegate bool BeamEditorInitializedDelayClause ()