▼NBeamable | |
►NAccountManagement | |
CAccountAvatarBehaviour | |
CAccountCustomizationBehaviour | |
CAccountDisplayItem | |
CAccountEmailLogin | |
CAccountExistsSelect | |
CAccountForgotPassword | |
CAccountGeneralErrorBehaviour | |
CAccountMainMenu | |
CAccountManagementAdapter | |
CAccountManagementBehaviour | |
CAccountManagementCommands | |
►CAccountManagementConfiguration | |
CUserThirdPartyAssociation | |
CAccountManagementSignals | |
CAccountPlayerDataMenu | |
CAccountSwitch | |
CAccountThirdPartyWaitingMenu | |
CAppleSignInBehavior | |
CDeviceUserArg | |
CEmailEvent | |
CErrorEvent | |
CForgotPasswordArguments | |
CGoogleSignInBehavior | |
CIconEnableData | |
CLoadingArg | |
CLoadingEvent | |
CLoadingPopup | |
CLoginArguments | |
CThirdPartyLoginArgument | |
CThirdPartyLoginPromise | |
CThirdPartyLoginPromiseEvent | |
CThirdPartyLoginResponse | |
CToggleEvent | |
CTokenReference | |
CUserEvent | |
CUsersEvent | |
►NAnnouncements | |
CAnnouncementBehavior | |
CAnnouncementMainMenu | |
CAnnouncementReadMenu | |
CAnnouncementSignals | |
CAnnouncementSummary | |
CToggleEvent | |
►NApi | |
NAdvertisingIdentifier | |
►NAnalytics | |
►NBatch | |
CBatchContainer | Batch container. This is a basic batch container. |
CBatchManager | Batch manager. This generic class manages the business logic which determines how and when a batch is expired. |
CIBatchContainer | Batch Container Interface Batch containers encapsulate the data of a batch |
CPersistentBatchManager | Persistent Batch Manager. Subclass of BatchManager that adds the ability to persist batches to disk and restore from disk This BatchManager enforces that type T is a JsonSerializable.ISerializable |
CSerializableBatch | Serializable batch. This is a specialized BatchContainer which is JSON Serializable All elements T added to it must be JSON Serializable |
CAnalyticsService | Analytics service. This service provides an API to communicate with the Platform |
CAnalyticsTracker | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Analytics feature |
CBatchSettings | |
CBillerPurchaseFailedEvent | |
CCoreEvent | Core event class |
CIAnalyticsEvent | Analytics Event interface |
CIAnalyticsTracker | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Analytics feature |
CLoginPanicEvent | |
CSampleCustomEvent | Sample custom event. This subclasses the abstract class CoreEvent |
►NAnnouncements | |
CAnnouncementsService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Announcements feature |
CAnnouncementsSubscription | |
►NAuth | |
►CAuthService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Auth feature |
CLoginDeviceIdRequest | |
CDefaultDeviceIdResolver | |
CIAuthService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Auth feature |
CIDeviceIdResolver | |
►NCaches | |
COfflineCache | |
COfflineUser | |
COfflineUserCache | |
COfflineUserData | |
►NCloudData | |
CCloudDataConsoleCommands | |
CCloudDataService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the A/B Testing feature |
CTestCloudData | |
►NCloudSaving | |
CCloudSavingError | An exception that comes from the CloudSavingService |
CCloudSavingManifestEntry | A CloudSavingManifestEntry describes one file associated with a player's account, on the Beamable server. |
CCloudSavingService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the CloudSaving feature |
CGetS3DownloadURLsRequest | |
CGetS3ObjectRequest | |
CLocalCloudDataPath | |
CManifestEntry | |
CManifestResponse | A cloud saving manifest contains a set of CloudSavingManifestEntry objects that describe all of the files associated with a player's account. |
CMetadataPair | |
COwner | |
CPreSignedURL | |
CS3Object | |
CUploadManifestRequest | |
CURLResponse | |
►NCommerce | |
CCommerceConsoleCommands | |
CCommerceService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Commerce feature |
►NConnectivity | |
►CConnectivityService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Connectivity feature |
CPromiseYieldInstruction | |
CIConnectivityService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Connectivity feature |
►NEvents | |
CEventsService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Events feature |
CEventSubscription | |
CPlayerNotInEventException | |
CTryEventClaimResponse | |
►NGroups | |
CGroupsService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Groups feature |
CGroupsSubscription | |
►NInventory | |
CInventoryConsoleCommands | This type defines the Inventory feature's console commands |
CInventoryService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Inventory feature |
CInventorySubscription | This type defines the reset/refresh of related data |
►NLeaderboard | |
CLeaderboardService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Leaderboards feature |
►NMail | |
CMailService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Mail feature |
CMailSubscription | |
►NNotification | |
►NInternal | |
CDummyLocalNotificationRelay | Dummy local notification handler, for use as a stand-in within Editor and other contexts where OS notifications are not available. |
CGoogleLocalNotificationRelay | Google local notification relay, for scheduling and canceling background notifications that are local to the device. |
CILocalNotificationRelay | Interface for local notification relay. See AppleLocalNotificationRelay and GoogleLocalNotificationRelay for concrete implementations. |
CIMessageHandler | |
CMultiChannelSubscriptionHandler | |
CChannel | |
CIPubnubSubscriptionManager | |
CNotificationService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Notifications feature |
CPresenceChannel | |
CPubNubOp | |
CPubnubSubscriptionManager | |
CPushRegisterRequest | |
CPushService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Push Notifications feature |
►NPayments | |
CBeginPurchaseRequest | |
CCancelPurchaseRequest | |
CCompletedTransaction | |
CCompleteTransactionRequest | |
CCouponsCountResponse | |
CFailPurchaseRequest | |
CGetOffersResponse | |
CGetSKUsResponse | |
CIBeamablePurchaser | This type defines the Client main entry point for the In-App Purchasing feature |
CImageRef | |
CNonceTransactionPair | |
CObtain | |
CObtainCurrency | |
CObtainItem | |
COfferImages | |
CPaymentService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Payments feature |
CPaymentTransaction | |
CPaymentTransactionList | |
CPlayerListingView | |
CPlayerOfferView | |
CPlayerStoreView | |
CPrice | |
CPurchaseInfo | |
CPurchaseResponse | |
CSKU | |
CSKUDefinitions | |
CSKUProductIDs | |
CTrackPurchaseRequest | |
CTransactionManager | |
CUnfulfilledTransactionList | |
►NSessions | |
CHeartbeat | |
CIHeartbeatService | |
CISessionService | |
CMultiOnlineStatusesResponse | |
CSession | |
►CSessionDeviceOptions | |
CClientVersionProperty | |
CCpuProcessorCountProperty | |
CCpuProcessorTypeProperty | |
CDeviceMemoryOnBoardProperty | |
CDeviceProperty | |
CGaidProperty | |
CGfxDeviceIdProperty | |
CGfxDeviceNameProperty | |
CGfxMemoryProperty | |
CGfxShaderLevelProperty | |
CGfxVendorProperty | |
CGfxVersionProperty | |
CIdfaProperty | |
CIosDeviceGenerationProperty | |
CIosSystemVersionProperty | |
COsVersionProperty | |
CSessionHeartbeat | |
CSessionOption | |
CSessionParameterProvider | |
CSessionService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Session feature |
CSessionStartRequestArgs | |
►NStats | |
CStatsService | This class defines the main entry point for the Stats feature |
►NTournaments | |
CTournamentConsoleCommands | This type defines the Tournament feature's console commands |
CTournamentEndCycleRequest | |
CTournamentService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Tournaments feature |
CAccessToken | This type defines the Client main entry point for the AccessToken feature |
CAccessTokenStorage | |
CErrorCode | |
CIHasPlatformSubscriber | This type defines the subscribability of services |
CIHasPlatformSubscribers | |
CIPlatformRequester | |
CIPlatformService | |
CIPubnubNotificationService | |
CPlatformConsoleCommands | |
CPlatformError | |
CPlatformRequester | This type defines the PlatformRequester |
CPlatformRequesterException | |
CPlatformSubscribable | This type defines the subscribability of services |
CPlatformSubscription | |
CPubnubNotificationService | |
CScheduledRefresh | |
CSubscriberDetailsResponse | |
CUnityUserDataCache | |
►NAvatars | |
CAccountAvatar | |
CAccountAvatarEvent | |
CAvatarConfiguration | |
CAvatarPickerBehaviour | |
►NCommon | |
►NAnnouncements | |
CAnnouncementApiContent | |
CAnnouncementApiRef | |
CAnnouncementApiReward | |
CAnnouncementAttachment | |
CAnnouncementContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the AnnouncementsService |
CAnnouncementLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CAnnouncementPlayerRewards | A type of PlayerReward that allows a player to claim AnnouncementApiReward as well as items and currencies. |
CAnnouncementRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CListOfAnnouncementApi | |
COptionalListOfAnnouncementRewards | |
►NApi | |
►NAnnouncements | |
CAbsAnnouncementsApi | |
CAnnouncementQueryResponse | |
CAnnouncementRequest | |
CAnnouncementView | The AnnouncementView is the network response from the Beamable Announcement API. It contains details describing the current state of a particular announcement. |
CIAnnouncementsApi | |
►NAuth | |
CAuthApi | |
CAvailabilityRequest | |
CAvailabilityResponse | |
CCurrentProjectResponse | |
CCustomerRegistrationRequest | |
CCustomerRegistrationResponse | |
CDefaultAuthSettings | |
CIAuthApi | |
CIAuthSettings | |
CTokenResponse | This type defines the functionality for the TokenResponse for the AuthService |
CUser | This type defines the Client main entry point for the User feature |
CUserBundle | This type defines the UserBundle which combines User and TokenResponse |
►NCloudData | |
CCloudDataApi | This type defines the Client main entry point for the A/B Testing feature |
CCloudMetaData | A CloudMetaData represents a piece of game data that can be overridden by the server, or by specific cohorts for players. This structure is the metadata about the game data itself. You can use the uri field to resolve the data. |
CCohortEntry | |
CGetCloudDataManifestResponse | A message containing the player's CloudMetaData data, in the meta list |
CICloudDataApi | This type defines the Client main entry point for the A/B Testing feature |
►NCommerce | |
CICommerceApi | |
►NContent | |
CIContentApi | |
►NEvents | |
CAbsEventsApi | |
CEventClaimResponse | |
CEventCurrency | |
CEventItem | |
CEventPhase | |
CEventPlayerGroupState | |
CEventReward | |
CEventRule | |
CEventsGetResponse | |
CEventView | |
CIEventsApi | |
►NGroups | |
CAvailabilityResponse | |
CCreateDonationRequest | |
CDonationEntry | |
CDonationRequest | |
CGroup | |
CGroupCreateRequest | |
CGroupCreateResponse | |
CGroupMembership | |
CGroupMembershipRequest | |
CGroupMembershipResponse | |
CGroupMemberships | |
CGroupMetaData | |
CGroupsApi | |
CGroupSearchResponse | |
CGroupsView | |
CGroupUpdateProperties | |
CGroupUser | |
CGroupView | |
CIGroupsApi | |
CKickRequest | |
CMakeDonationRequest | |
CMember | This structure defines a group member from the viewpoint of the current player's perspective. |
CRoleChangeRequest | |
CSubGroup | |
►NInventory | |
CAbsInventoryApi | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Inventory feature |
CCurrency | This type defines the Beamable currency content related to the InventoryService |
CCurrencyPreview | This type defines look-ahead Currency data related to the InventoryService |
CCurrencyProperty | This type defines the Beamable currency feature's property structure |
CCurrencyPropertyList | |
CGetInventoryResponse | This type defines the Inventory feature's get request |
CGetMultipliersResponse | This type defines the multipliers response for the InventoryService |
CIInventoryApi | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Inventory feature |
CInventoryObject | This type defines the content related to the InventoryService |
CInventoryResponse | This type defines the response of fresh data loaded, related to the InventoryService |
CInventoryUpdateBuilder | This type defines the Inventory feature's updates |
CInventoryUpdateRequest | This type defines the Inventory feature's update request |
CInventoryView | This type defines the render-friendly data of the InventoryService |
CItem | This type defines the Beamable item content related to the InventoryService |
CItemCreateRequest | This type defines the Inventory feature's create request |
CItemDeleteRequest | This type defines the Inventory feature's delete request |
CItemGroup | This type defines a collection of inventory items |
CItemProperty | This type defines the Inventory feature's update request |
CItemUpdateRequest | This type defines the Inventory feature's update request |
CItemView | This type defines the render-friendly data of the InventoryService |
CPreviewCurrencyGainResponse | This type defines look-ahead Currency data related to the InventoryService |
CSerializedDictionaryStringToCurrencyPropertyList | |
►NLeaderboards | |
CILeaderboardApi | |
CLeaderboardApi | |
CLeaderboardAssignmentInfo | |
CLeaderboardGetAssignmentRequest | |
CLeaderBoardV2ViewResponse | |
CLeaderBoardView | |
CListLeaderboardResult | |
CRankEntry | |
CRankEntryColumns | |
CRankEntryStat | |
►NMail | |
CAbsMailApi | |
CIMailApi | |
CListMailResponse | |
CMailAcceptManyRequest | |
CMailCountRequest | |
CMailCounts | |
CMailGetCountsResponse | |
CMailMessage | |
CMailQueryResponse | |
CMailReceivedRequest | |
CMailRewards | |
CMailSendEntry | |
CMailSendRequest | |
CMailStateCounts | |
CMailUpdate | |
CMailUpdateEntry | |
CMailUpdateRequest | |
CSearchMailRequest | |
CSearchMailRequestClause | A way to specify certain criteria for searching mail. Each instance of SearchMailRequestClause can specify different types of mail to identify. Each SearchMailRequestClause will result in a corresponding SearchMailResponseClause |
CSearchMailResponse | |
CSearchMailResponseClause | Each instance of SearchMailResponseClause aligns with an original SearchMailRequestClause instance. The SearchMailResponseClause contain the matching MailMessages that met the criteria defined in the request. |
►NNotifications | |
CINotificationService | |
CPrimitiveStringPayload | |
►NPresence | |
CIPresenceApi | |
CPresenceService | |
►NSocial | |
CFriend | |
CFriendStatus | |
CImportFriendsRequest | |
CISocialApi | |
CPlayer | |
CPlayerIdRequest | |
CSocialApi | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Friends feature |
CSocialList | |
►NStats | |
CAbsStatsApi | |
CBatchReadEntry | |
CBatchReadStatsRequest | |
CBatchReadStatsResponse | |
CCriteria | A definition of a comparison (Rel) to be run against the specified Stat.
CIStatsApi | |
CStatEntry | |
CStatsSearchResponse | |
CStatUpdates | |
►NTournaments | |
CITournamentApi | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Tournaments feature |
CTournamentApi | |
CTournamentChampionEntry | |
CTournamentChampionsResponse | |
CTournamentEntry | |
CTournamentGetStatusesRequest | |
CTournamentGroupEntry | |
CTournamentGroupsResponse | |
CTournamentGroupStatus | |
CTournamentGroupStatusResponse | |
CTournamentInfo | |
CTournamentInfoResponse | |
CTournamentJoinRequest | |
CTournamentPlayerStatus | |
CTournamentPlayerStatusResponse | |
CTournamentRewardCurrency | |
CTournamentRewardsResponse | |
CTournamentScoreRequest | |
CTournamentScoreResponse | |
CTournamentStandingsResponse | |
CBeamableGetApiResource | This type defines getting Api data source |
CBeamableGetApiResourceViaPost | Helper class that can be used to make continuous Method.POST requests in order to keep some cached data somewhere. |
CCometClientData | |
CCometClientDataEntry | |
CEmptyResponse | |
CHttpRequesterException | An exception that comes from an HTTP request |
CIAccessToken | |
CIBeamableFilesystemAccessor | |
CIBeamableRequester | This type defines the IBeamableRequester |
CIHasBeamableRequester | |
CIHttpRequester | |
CIRequestErrorWithStatus | |
CISupportGetLatest | This type defines getting fresh data from an Api data source (e.g. Service) |
CISupportsGet | This type defines getting fresh data from an Api data source (e.g. Service) |
CIUserContext | |
CNoConnectivityException | An error that comes from the IBeamableRequester or the IHttpRequester when there is no internet connectivity. |
CRequesterException | An exception that comes from a request made through the IHttpRequester or the IBeamableRequester |
CSimpleUserContext | |
►CUserDataCache | A UserDataCache<T> is a utility class that stores some generic type per player gamertag. |
CUserDataCacheEntry | |
►NAssistant | |
CBeamHint | Helper struct to deal with an individual BeamHint. Contains it's BeamHintHeader (unique key identifying the BeamHint) and a read-only reference to the hint's object.
CBeamHintDomainAttribute | Used to declare that certain "static readonly string" fields are BeamHintDomains — this information is cached by the BeamHintReflectionCache system. |
CBeamHintDomainProvider | Abstract class that should be implemented in any class that will contain declarations of BeamHintDomainAttribute on their "readonly static string" fields. BeamHintDomains for a better understanding of this. |
CBeamHintDomains | BeamHint domains are a large-scale contextual grouping for hints. We use these to organize and display them in a logical and easy to navigate way. Domains cannot have SUB_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, BeamHintHeader.AS_KEY_SEPARATOR or BeamHintSharedConstants.BEAM_HINT_PREFERENCES_SEPARATOR as they are reserved characters |
CBeamHintGlobalStorage | |
CBeamHintHeader | A compound-key identifying each hint. It is a string-based compound key whose individual fields cannot have AS_KEY_SEPARATOR or BeamHintSharedConstants.BEAM_HINT_PREFERENCES_SEPARATOR. These are reserved by our internal systems that manage hints. See BeamHintDomains and BeamHintIds for a better understanding of how to generate hint domains and ids. |
CBeamHintIdAttribute | Used to declare that certain "static readonly string" fields are BeamHintIds — this information is cached by the BeamHintReflectionCache system. |
CBeamHintIdProvider | Abstract class that should be implemented in any class that will contain declarations of BeamHintIdAttribute on their "readonly static string" fields. BeamHintIds for a better understanding of this. |
CBeamHintIds | BeamHint ids are unique identifiers that translates to a single displayed hint and for which notifications are tracked. There are 3 primary ways of thinking about ids:
Identify several instances of the same problem and display all of them in a single consistent hint (see BeamHintDomains.BEAM_CSHARP_MICROSERVICES_CODE_MISUSE, or any other Code Misuse, as examples).
Identify a single hint/tip that may be interesting to communicate and create a hint Id for it.
Embed a content/player or some other unique identifier into the id to guarantee uniqueness and display relevant data. Be careful with this approach as it can easily flood the Assistant window making it less useful.
Ids cannot have "¬" or "₢" they are reserved characters (see BeamHintDomains.SUB_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, BeamHintHeader.AS_KEY_SEPARATOR and BeamHintSharedConstants.BEAM_HINT_PREFERENCES_SEPARATOR). Use GenerateHintId to ensure the immutable part of the hint's id is valid when declaring it. Use AppendHintIdParams methods to ensure you are respecting the Id creation rules and you are embedding parameters into the id (for cases like the third item in the bullet point list). |
CBeamHintStorage | Defines a storage for BeamHints. This implementation is header-based, meaning: |
CBeamHintSystemAttribute | |
CIBeamHintGlobalStorage | Interface for the Global Storage — only exists to enable mocking for automated testing purposes so it'll acknowledge implementation details of the BeamHintGlobalStorage which is our implementation of this interface. Internally, we have one IBeamHintStorage for each User's hints and another one for Beamable's hints. As the number of generated hints a domain can produce grows, we split these macro-storages into one for each domain generated with BeamHintDomains.GenerateSubDomain and/or BeamHintDomains.GenerateBeamableDomain. This approach allows us to ensure we can move our internal data around to avoid slow-editor performance. |
CIBeamHintPreferencesManager | Manages and persists BeamHint preferences. Can decide to display/ignore hints, play mode warnings and/or notifications. It persists this configuration in a per-session or permanent level. |
CIBeamHintStorage | Defines a storage for BeamHints. It is a query-able in-memory database of BeamHints. Other IBeamHintSystem systems add hints to these and IBeamHintSystem read, filter, clear and arrange data logically in relation to BeamHintHeaders to be read by UI. |
CIBeamHintSystem | These are UnityEditor only systems. You should assume they'll only exist "#if UNITY_EDITOR" is true. You can use these to IBeamHintSystems read, filter, clear and arrange data logically in relation to BeamHintHeaders to be read by UI and other systems. Keep in mind:
These only work in editor — their instances won't ever be initialized outside of it.
Place System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute("UNITY_EDITOR") on all functions you plan to call from non-editor code.
For use with non-editor only systems, write pure functions that take in ALL the necessary data from the non-editor systems and does the processing and addition of hints.
Use "void" functions whenever interacting with non-editor code as we'll strip these calls in non-editor environments.
If you need state to decide to show hints, aggregate and store this state in the IBeamHintSystem's member fields via calls to methods that are System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute.
►NContent | |
►NSerialization | |
CClientContentSerializer | |
►NValidation | |
CAggregateContentValidationException | |
CCannotBeBlank | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CCannotBeEmpty | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CContentException | |
CContentExceptionCollection | |
CContentNameValidationException | |
CContentValidationArgs | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CContentValidationException | |
CIValidationContext | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBeComparatorString | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBeCurrency | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBeCurrencyOrItem | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBeDateString | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBeItem | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBeLeaderboard | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBeNonDefault | |
CMustBeNonNegative | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBeOneOf | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBePositive | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBeSlugString | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustBeTimeSpanDuration | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustContain | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CMustReferenceContent | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CRouteParametersMustBeValid | |
CServiceRouteMustBeValid | |
CValidationAttribute | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CValidationContext | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CValidationFieldWrapper | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject validation process |
CAbsContentLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CAbsContentRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CApiContent | |
CApiInvocationStrategy | |
CApiRef | |
CApiReward | |
CApiVariable | |
CApiVariableBag | |
CApiVariableReference | |
CBaseContentRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CClientContentInfo | This type defines the ClientContentInfo for the ContentService |
CClientManifest | This type defines the ClientManifest for the ContentService |
CClientPermissions | A set of permissions that specify how a player can interact with a resource |
CContentDataInfo | |
CContentDataInfoWrapper | |
CContentDeserializationException | |
CContentFieldAttribute | |
CContentFormerlySerializedAsAttribute | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject system |
CContentLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CContentNotFoundException | |
CContentObject | This type defines the parent of all Beamable ContentObjects for the ContentService |
CContentQuery | A ContentQuery allows you to construct a complex statement that selects specific content by type, tag, or id. |
CContentRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
►CContentSerializer | |
CPropertyValue | |
CContentTypeAttribute | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject system |
CContentTypePair | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject system |
CDisplayableList | |
CEmailContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the MailService |
CEmailLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CEmailRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CEventContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the EventsService |
CEventCurrencyObtain | |
CEventGroupRewards | |
CEventItemObtain | |
CEventLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CEventObtain | |
CEventPhase | |
CEventPlayerReward | |
CEventRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CEventRule | |
CEventSchedule | |
CFilePathSelectorAttribute | |
CHideUnlessServerPackageInstalled | Use this property attribute to hide a serialized field unless the com.beamable.server package is installed. |
CIApiReward | |
CIContentLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CIContentObject | This type defines the API for Beamable ContentObject and its many subclasses |
CIContentRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CIContentService | |
CIDictionaryWithValue | |
CKVPair | |
CLeaderboardUpdate | |
CListingSchedule | |
CListOfApiReward | |
CNumericMatchmakingRule | |
COptional | |
COptionalApiRewardList | |
COptionalApiVariableReference | |
COptionalBoolean | |
COptionalClientPermissions | |
COptionalDouble | |
COptionalEventCurrencyList | |
COptionalEventItemList | |
COptionalEventSchedule | |
COptionalInt | |
COptionalListingSchedule | |
COptionalListInt | |
COptionalListString | |
COptionalLong | |
COptionalSchedule | |
COptionalSerializableDictionaryStringToString | |
COptionalString | |
COptionalTypeConverter | |
COptionalValue | |
CPhaseList | |
CPlayerReward | A PlayerReward describes a set of rewards that a player can claim. |
CReadonlyIfAttribute | |
CRenderAsRef2Attribute | |
CRenderAsRefAttribute | |
CReward | |
CRewardsPerRank | |
CRouteParameter | |
CRouteParameters | |
CRouteVariables | |
CSchedule | |
CScheduleDefinition | |
CScoringAlgoOption | |
CScoringAlgorithm | |
CSerializableDictionary | |
CSerializableDictionaryStringToInt | |
CSerializableDictionaryStringToLong | |
CSerializableDictionaryStringToSomething | |
CSerializableDictionaryStringToString | |
CServiceRoute | |
CShowOnlyAttribute | |
CSimGameType | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the Multiplayer feature |
CSimGameTypeLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CSimGameTypeRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CStringMatchmakingRule | |
CTeamContent | |
►NDependencies | |
CDependencyBuilder | The default implementation of IDependencyBuilder. It is not recommended that you ever use this class directly. You should only ever reference the interface. |
CDependencyProvider | |
CIBeamableDisposable | Any service that is in a IDependencyProvider can have this interface. When the IDependencyProvider is disposed via the IDependencyProviderScope.Dispose method, this service's IBeamableDisposable.OnDispose method will trigger. |
CIDependencyBuilder | The IDependencyBuilder is part of the Beamable dependency injection system. It is used to describe a set of services that will exist, but the builder never actually creates any service instance |
CIDependencyProvider | The IDependencyProvider is a collection of services, built from a IDependencyBuilder. Use the GetService<T> method to get services. |
CIDependencyProviderScope | The IDependencyProviderScope is a IDependencyProvider But has more access methods and lifecycle controls. |
CRegisterBeamableDependenciesAttribute | Use this attribute to register custom services when Beamable starts up. You should use this on a method that takes one parameter of type IDependencyBuilder. Add whatever services you want to on the builder instance. Any service you register will exist for each BeamContext. |
CServiceDescriptor | Describes how to create a service instance |
►NDocs | |
CContentId | A content id should be a dot separated string, with at least 1 dot. The right-most clause represents the content's name, and everything else represents the content's type. A valid content id could be, "items.hat", "announcements.hello", or < |
CLogo | |
►NGroups | |
CGroupDonationContentLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CGroupDonationContentRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CGroupDonationsContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the GroupsService |
►NInventory | |
CCurrencyAmount | |
CCurrencyChange | |
CCurrencyContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for Currency related to the InventoryService |
CCurrencyLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CCurrencyRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CCurrencyReward | |
CItemContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for Item related to the InventoryService |
CItemLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CItemRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CListOfCurrencyChanges | |
CListOfNewItems | |
CNewItem | |
COptionalCurrencyChangeList | |
COptionalNewItemList | |
CVipBonus | |
CVipContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for a Vip |
CVipLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CVipRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CVipTier | |
►NLeaderboards | |
CLeaderboardCohort | |
CLeaderboardCohortSettings | |
CLeaderboardContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the LeaderboardService |
CLeaderboardLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CLeaderboardRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
COptionalCohortSettings | |
►NPlayer | |
CAbsObservableReadonlyDictionary | |
CAbsObservableReadonlyList | |
CAbsRefreshableObservable | |
CDefaultObservable | |
CIGetProtectedDataList | |
CIObservable | |
CIObservableReadonlyDictionary | |
CIObservableReadonlyList | |
CIRefreshable | |
CLazy | |
CObservable | |
CObservableLong | |
CObservableString | |
►NPooling | |
►CStringBuilderPool | |
CPooledStringBuilder | |
►NReflection | |
CAttributeOfInterest | Struct that defines an attribute of interest and gives us information on where to look for it. |
CAttributeValidationResult | Result of a data structure that holds the result of a validation performed by IReflectionAttribute. |
CBaseTypeOfInterest | Struct that defines a base type (class or interface) of interest and gives us information on what to cache in relation to it. |
CINamingAttribute | Implement this interface over any Attribute to be able to use the existing ReflectionCache utilities that validate things with respect to attributes that are used to name members. |
CIReflectionAttribute | Implement this interface on attributes to use our validation utilities declared in ReflectionCache. |
CIReflectionSystem | Implement on systems that want to perform an assembly sweep to cache reflection-related information. |
CIReflectionTypeProvider | Implement this interface and call ReflectionCache.RegisterTypeProvider to inform the reflection cache that these types are of interest to you. |
CMemberAttribute | Utility struct that represents a pairing of a MemberInfo with an Attribute instance. This is used to keep the declared attribute and the MemberInfo over which it is declared together throughout our ReflectionCache-ing process. |
CParameterOfInterest | Defines a parameter signature of interest so we can guarantee parameters are being declared as we expect them to be. |
CPerAttributeCache | Struct that holds data for all Attribute-related reflection data caches. |
CPerBaseTypeCache | Struct that holds data for all BaseType-related reflection data caches. |
CReflectionCache | Used to initialize all reflection based systems with consistent validation and to ensure we are only doing the assembly sweeping once. We can also use this to setup up compile-time validation of our Attribute-based systems such as Content and Microservices. |
CSignatureOfInterest | Defines a method signature of interest so that we can validate that game-makers are placing IReflectionAttribute on methods that match expected signatures. |
CUniqueNameCollisionData | Data struct holding information regarding a name collision. |
CUniqueNameValidationResults | Validation results of calling ReflectionCacheExtensions.GetAndValidateUniqueNamingAttributes on a list of MemberAttributes containing attributes that implement INamingAttribute. |
►NRuntime | |
►NCollections | |
CConcurrentBag | |
CConcurrentDictionary | |
CIConcurrentBag | |
CIConcurrentDictionary | |
►NShop | |
CActivePeriod | |
CCohortRequirement | |
CContentDictionary | |
CListingContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the CommerceService and Store feature |
CListingLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CListingOffer | |
CListingPrice | |
CListingRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CNonBlankStringList | |
COfferConstraint | |
COfferObtainCurrency | |
COfferObtainItem | |
COfferObtainItemProperty | |
COfferRequirement | |
COptionalCohort | |
COptionalColor | |
COptionalDict | |
COptionalNonBlankStringList | |
COptionalOffers | |
COptionalPeriod | |
COptionalStats | |
CSKUContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the CommerceService and Store feature |
CSKULink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CSKUProductIds | |
CSKURef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CStatRequirement | |
CStoreContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the CommerceService and Store feature |
CStoreLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CStoreRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
►NSpew | |
CLogger | |
CSpewLoggerAttribute | Conditional attribute to add Spew. |
►NSteam | |
CAuthenticateUserRequest | |
CISteamService | |
CSteamProduct | |
CSteamProductsResponse | |
CSteamTicketRequest | |
CSteamTransaction | |
►NTournaments | |
CTournamentContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for an TournamentService |
CTournamentGroupRewards | |
CTournamentLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CTournamentRankReward | |
CTournamentRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CTournamentScoreReward | |
CTournamentStageChange | |
CTournamentTier | |
CBeamableLogProvider | This type defines the passthrough for a Beamable Log Provider |
CBeamableLogUnityProvider | This type defines the passthrough to UnityEngine.Debug methods such as Log, LogWarning, and LogException |
CBeamableTaskExtensions | |
CDefaultQuery | This type defines the passthrough for a Beamable Default Query |
CITaskLike | |
CPackageVersion | |
CPromise | This type defines the Beamable Promise |
CPromiseAsyncMethodBuilder | https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/main/docs/features/task-types.md https://referencesource.microsoft.com/#mscorlib/system/runtime/compilerservices/AsyncMethodBuilder.cs |
CPromiseBase | This type defines the base for the Beamable Promise |
CPromiseException | |
CSequenceEntryException | This type defines the static Beamable SequenceEntryException |
CSequenceEntrySuccess | This type defines the static Beamable SequenceEntrySuccess |
CSequencePromise | This type defines the Beamable SequencePromise |
CSilentLogProvider | This type defines the provider for use on physical devices, where spamming the device log is undesirable. This log provider silently swallows all input it receives |
CUncaughtPromiseException | This type defines the static Beamable UncaughtPromiseException |
CUnit | This type defines the struct Beamable Unit |
►NConfig | |
CConfigConsoleCommands | |
►NConsole | |
CConsoleConfiguration | |
CConsoleFlow | |
►NConsoleCommands | |
CBeamableConsole | |
CBeamableConsoleCommandAttribute | |
CBeamableConsoleCommandProviderAttribute | Used on a class to annotate the class as having console commands. The class must have an empty constructor, or no console commands will be loaded. |
CDefaultConsoleCommands | |
►NContent | |
NUtility | |
CContentCache | |
CContentCacheEntry | |
CContentConfiguration | |
CContentParameterProvider | |
CContentService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Content feature |
CIgnoreContentFieldAttribute | This type defines the field attribute that marks a Beamable ContentObject field as ignored from the Content Serialization process |
CIIgnoreSerializationCallbacks | When content is serialized, any type that inherits from this interface will not have their Unity serialization callback methods during for the content serialization. |
CManifest | |
CManifestReference | |
CManifestSubscription | This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject system |
►NCoroutines | |
CCompletedYieldInstruction | |
CCoroutineService | The CoroutineService allows any system to start a Unity coroutine, even if that system is not a MonoBehaviour or associated with a GameObject. Beamable runs many coroutines per player instance to manage multiple networking based resources. All coroutines are routed through the CoroutineService. The CoroutineService is a MonoBehaviour itself, and all coroutines are associated to the related GameObject. Use the StartNew method to start a coroutine. |
►NCronExpression | |
CCronLocalizationData | |
CCronLocalizationDatabase | |
CErrorData | |
CExpressionDescriptor | Converts a Cron Expression into a human readable string |
CExpressionParser | Cron Expression Parser |
COptions | Options for parsing and describing a Cron Expression |
►NCurrencyHUD | |
CCurrencyHUDFlow | |
►NEasyFeatures | |
►NBasicLeaderboard | |
CBasicLeaderboardFeatureControl | |
CBasicLeaderboardPlayerSystem | This is our basic leaderboard system — It exposes some APIs to fetch data from the backend and rearranges that API with basic information from our backend into a format more easily usable by UI. It gets RankEntrys from our platform, parses them, loads data relevant and caches that data in a format that's easier to work with for the things we want to do. In this case, it simply caches the leaderboards names, avatar sprites, rank and score values in sequential parallel list. |
►CBasicLeaderboardView | This is an example IBeamableView. It is based off the LeaderboardsPresenter. |
CBasicLeaderboardViewEntry | |
CILeaderboardDeps | |
CLeaderboardsRankEntriesPresenter | |
►CLeaderboardsRankEntryPresenter | |
CPoolData | |
CBeamableViewGroup | This is a Beamable Component you can add to any GameObject you have to gain access to it's API that:
Can be used to manage which BeamContexts are being used to get the data that will populate this view (which player's data should I be displaying?)
Can be used to rebuild and modify the UI dynamically as new players are added and removed. Think about a Party UI in couch co-op games — it takes X data from each player and displays it as player's "press start to join".
CBeamContextGroup | |
CIAsyncBeamableView | Implement this interface if your enrich should be awaited on before releasing control to the next IBeamableView in BeamableViewGroup.ManagedViews. |
CIBeamableFeatureControl | This interface defines a simple control flow API. It simply exists to enforce a minimal API that all our Easy Features must provide in order to have their fast path available to customers. There are 2 ways customers are expected to interact with classes implementing this interface:
Drag-Drop Test: Customers are expected to simply drag and drop the prefab onto the hierarchy or open the scene. Upon entering play mode, the Feature should just work based on the configurations setup in the script implementing this interface. To achieve this, our Easy Feature prefabs and scenes should be configured by default to RunOnEnable set to true.
Integration into Game-Specific Control Flow: Customers will eventually want to integrate this into their own project's control flow. To do so, they should disable the RunOnEnable flag in the prefab or scene and manually call the Run method when they want the Feature to run as it did when entering play mode. Classes implementing this interface can have a lightly granular API for feature setup so that users can re-use, but it's not the focus. This aims to be a tiny example of how to use the Feature's Game Systems and their BeamableViewGroups together.
CIBeamableView | This is the common interface that the BeamableViewGroup talks too when it's BeamContext are configured on start or BeamableViewGroup.Enrich (or BeamableViewGroup.EnrichWithPlayerCodes) gets called via code |
CIBeamableViewDeps | This is just a simple tag interface that all views must declare. These are what the views should use BeamContext.ServiceProvider to get. By doing this, you can easily swap out implementations via BeamContextSystemAttributes and Beamable.Common.Dependencies.RegisterBeamableDependenciesAttribute, adding data to existing systems keeping the UI. |
CISyncBeamableView | Implement this interface if your enrich method can be synchronous OR a fire-and-forget (async void) method. |
►NEditor | |
►NAlias | |
CAliasResolve | |
►CAliasService | |
CAliasDoesNotExistException | |
CAliasResolveResponse | |
CIAliasService | |
►NAssistant | |
CBeamableAssistantAssetPostProcessor | An asset post-processor that reloads and re-builds Beamable Assistant-related data defined in relevant scriptable objects. |
CBeamableAssistantComponent | |
CBeamableAssistantWindow | Handles the rendering and initialization of the BeamHints system as well as any other future system tied to the Beamable Assistant. |
CBeamHintDetailConverterAttribute | Placed on top of any BeamHintDetailConverterProvider static methods that match one of the AcceptedSignatures |
CBeamHintDetailConverterProvider | The base class defining all BeamHintReflectionCache.DefaultConverter (and other similar delegates). Users must inherit from this class to declare their own conversion functions (BeamHintDetailConverterAttribute). They will be automatically detected by the BeamHintReflectionCache and have their mapping cached for rendering hint details when needed. |
CBeamHintDetailsConfig | Holds a mapping of UXML/USS files to ids used by BeamHintDetailConverterProvider and BeamHintHeaderVisualElement to render out hint details. |
CBeamHintDomainTreeViewItem | Serializable Domain Tree view item that holds both the entire domain as well as its current substring (display name). |
►CBeamHintHeaderVisualElement | This visual element handles the rendering of BeamHints in the BeamableAssistantWindow. |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CBeamHintNotificationManager | Manager that handles the state of notifications for each detected BeamHint. We keep track of each individual BeamHintHeader and the notification preferences set for them (via IBeamHintPreferencesManager). Based on these, we track which hints have been displayed this session and/or which BeamHint.ContextObjects have a changed. We use these to keep an updated list of pending BeamHintType.Hint and BeamHintType.Validation notifications. These are cleared whenever the BeamableAssistantWindow is opened or focused. |
CBeamHintPreferencesManager | Manages and persists BeamHint preferences. Can decide to display/ignore hints, play mode warnings and/or notifications. It persists this configuration in a per-session or permanent level. |
CBeamHintsDataModel | A serializable data model to store, across domain reloads, the current state of the BeamableAssistantWindow's Hint display. |
CBeamHintTextMap | A quick and dirty way of mapping Domains, Sub-Domains and HintIds to specific blobs of text. TODO: Replace with in-editor localization system |
►CBeamHintVisualsInjectionBag | A clear definition of all supported injection types. An instance of this is passed into every BeamHintDetailConverterAttribute function. It exposes clear helper functions such as SetLabel and SetButtonClicked to ensure the internal Injection<T> data is being configured correctly. |
CDynamicVisualElementIterator | |
CInjection | |
CParameterlessActionIterator | |
CTextIterator | |
CSerializedStringToTextDictionary | |
CVisualElementsQuery | A struct defining the data we use to match against VisualElements and select which of them we want to inject with the data from BeamHintVisualsInjectionBag. |
►NCommon | |
CGenericMenuCommand | |
CUndoSystem | |
►NConfig | |
►NModel | |
CConfigOption | |
CConfigQuery | |
CConfigManager | |
CConfigModuleDescriptor | |
CConfigWindow | |
►NContent | |
►NComponents | |
►CActionBarVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CArchiveManifestsVisualElement | |
CBreadcrumb | Represents a text string in the UI. Additional data helps handle the clickability |
CBreadcrumbsVisualElement | |
CContentListVisualElement | |
CContentManagerComponent | |
CContentPopupLinkVisualElement | |
CContentSorterDropdownVisualElement | |
CContentTypeViewVisualElement | The VisualElement wrapper for the Unity IMGUI TreeView |
►CContentValidationErrorVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CContentVisualElement | |
►CCountVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CCreateNewPopupVisualElement | |
CDownloadContentVisualElement | |
CExplorerVisualElement | |
CFilterRowVisualElement | |
CHeaderSizeChange | |
►CHeaderVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CPublishContentVisualElement | |
CResetContentVisualElement | |
►CStatusBarVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CStatusFilterPopupVisualElement | |
►CStatusIconVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CTagFilterPopupVisualElement | |
►CTagListVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CTagVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CTreeViewIMGUI | Adds a Beamable-friendly API on top of the existing Unity IMGUI TreeView. |
CTypeFilterPopupVisualElement | |
CValidateContentVisualElement | |
NExtensions | |
NHelpers | |
►NModels | |
CContentCounts | |
CContentDataModel | |
CContentItemDescriptor | |
CContentTagDescriptor | |
CContentTypeDescriptor | |
CContentTypeTreeViewItem | |
►NSaveRequest | |
CContentDefinition | |
CContentMeta | |
CContentReference | |
CContentSaveRequest | |
CContentSaveResponse | |
CManifestReferenceSuperset | |
CManifestSaveRequest | |
CRawValue | |
►NUI | |
CContentObjectEditor | |
CDisplayableListPropertyDrawer | |
CEditorValidationContext | |
CReadonlyUntilMicroserviceEditor | |
CSerializableDictionaryStringToIntEditor | |
CSerializableDictionaryStringToPlayerStatEditor | |
CSerializableDictionaryStringToStringEditor | |
CSerializedDictionaryStringToSomethingEditor | |
CAvailableManifestModel | |
CAvailableManifests | |
CCalendarWindow | |
CContentDownloadEntryDescriptor | |
CContentDownloader | |
CContentIO | The purpose of this class is to |
CContentIOAssetProcessor | |
CContentManager | |
CContentManagerWindow | |
CContentManifest | This type defines a Beamable Manifest Difference |
CContentManifestReference | This type defines a Beamable Manifest Reference |
CContentObjectPropertyDrawer | |
CContentPublisher | |
CContentPublishSet | |
CContentRefPropertyDrawer | |
CContentRefSearchWindow | |
CContentValidationPropertyDrawer | |
CContentValidator | |
CCronEditorVisualElement | |
CCronEditorWindow | |
CDatePropertyDrawer | |
CDownloadSummary | |
CEditorContentQuery | |
CEventSchedulePropertyDrawer | |
CHideServerPropertyDrawer | |
CIContentIO | |
CListingSchedulePropertyDrawer | |
CLocalContentManifest | This type defines a Beamable Local Content Manifest |
CLocalContentManifestEntry | This type defines a Beamable Local Content Manifest Entry |
CManifest | This type defines a Beamable Manifest containing various metadata in one coherent unit |
CManifestDifference | This type defines a Beamable Manifest Difference |
COptionalPropertyDrawer | |
CPublishProgress | |
CScheduleDefinitionPropertyDrawer | |
CSchedulePropertyDrawer | |
CSerializedContentObject | |
►NEnvironment | |
CBeamableDiagnosticData | |
CBeamablePackageMeta | |
CExceptionData | |
►NLogin | |
►NUI | |
►NComponents | |
CAccountSummaryVisualElement | |
CExistingCustomerVisualElement | |
CForgotVisualElement | |
CLegalCopyVisualElement | |
CLoginBaseComponent | |
CNewCustomerVisualElement | |
CNewUserVisualElement | |
CNoRoleVisualElement | |
CProjectSelectVisualElement | |
CRealmVisualElement | |
►NModel | |
CCustomerModel | |
CLoginModel | |
CLoginErrorHandlers | |
CLoginManager | |
CLoginManagerResult | |
CLoginWindow | |
►NMicroservice | |
►NUI | |
►NComponents | |
►CActionBarVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CConsoleLogVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CCreateMicroserviceVisualElement | |
CCreateServiceBaseVisualElement | |
CCreateStorageObjectVisualElement | |
CDependentServicesCheckboxVisualElement | |
CDependentServicesMicroserviceEntryVisualElement | |
CDependentServicesPopup | |
CDependentServicesStorageObjectEntryVisualElement | |
CDependentServicesWindow | |
CDeployLogParser | |
CDeployMSLogParser | |
►CLogVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CMicroserviceActionPrompt | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CMicroserviceBreadcrumbsVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CMicroserviceComponent | |
►CMicroserviceContentVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CMicroserviceVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
►CMicroserviceVisualElementSeparator | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CPublishManifestEntryVisualElement | |
►CPublishPopup | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CPublishServiceAccumulator | |
CPublishWindow | |
►CRemoteMicroserviceVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
►CRemoteStorageObjectVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CRunImageLogParser | |
CServiceBaseVisualElement | |
CServiceCreateDependentService | |
CServiceFilterDropdownVisualElement | |
CStepLogParser | |
CStopImageLogParser | |
►CStorageObjectVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUniversalLogsParser | |
CMicroserviceWindow | |
CServiceLogWindow | |
►NModels | |
►NSchedules | |
CEventDailyScheduleModel | |
CEventDatesScheduleModel | |
CEventDaysScheduleModel | |
CListingDailyScheduleModel | |
CListingDatesScheduleModel | |
CListingDaysScheduleModel | |
CScheduleDateModeModel | |
CScheduleParser | |
CScheduleWindowModel | |
►NModules | |
►NAccount | |
CBeamableFacebookImporter | |
CEditorAuthService | |
CEditorUser | |
CIEditorAuthApi | |
CPortalCommand | |
►NContentTypes | |
CContentTypesCreator | |
►NEditorConfig | |
►CEditorConfiguration | |
CAdvancedSettings | |
NPurchasing | |
►NSessions | |
CDeviceOptionPropertyDrawer | |
CSessionParameterProviderCreator | |
CSessionParameterProviderEditor | |
►NTheme | |
CButtonStyleObject | |
CCanHideDrawer | |
CColorStyleObject | |
CFilterSelection | |
CFontStyleObject | |
CGradientStyleObject | |
CImageStyleObject | |
CIPaletteStyleObject | |
CLayoutStyleObject | |
CPaletteStyleObject | |
CSelectableStyleObject | |
CSoundStyleObject | |
CStringStyleObject | |
CTextStyleObject | |
CThemeConfigurationPropertyDrawer | |
CThemeWindow | |
CTransformStyleObject | |
CWindowStyleObject | |
►NNoUser | |
CNoUserVisualElement | |
►NPlayer | |
CObservableReadonlyListPropertyDrawer | |
►NRealms | |
CCustomerView | |
CCustomerViewDTO | |
CGetCustomerResponseDTO | |
CGetGameResponseDTO | |
CProjectViewDTO | |
CRealmServiceException | |
CRealmsService | |
CRealmView | |
►NReflection | |
►CBeamHintReflectionCache | BeamHint related IReflectionSystem and ReflectionSystemObject that handles:
The parsing of BeamHintDetailConverterAttribute into cached converters that know how to render BeamHintDetailsConfig for matched BeamHintHeaders.
An updated list of all BeamHintDetailsConfigs that exist in directories configured at CoreConfiguration.BeamableAssistantHintDetailConfigPaths.
The parsing of BeamHintIdAttributes and BeamHintDomainAttributes TODO: to be used by UI systems to allow for better interaction with our system.
CConverterData | The result of the mapping configured via each BeamHintDetailConverterAttribute. This is used by BeamHintHeaderVisualElement to render the hint details as needed. |
CHeaderMatcher | A helper struct that defines how to match a Header to configured the configured DomainSubstring and IdRegex |
CRegistry | |
CReflectionCacheAssetPostProcessor | An asset post-processor that reloads and rebuilds all (or the re-imported) IReflectionSystem defined via ReflectionSystemObject whenever one gets re-imported, deleted or moved |
►NRegister | |
CRegisterVisualElement | |
►NSchedules | |
CScheduleWrapper | |
►NStyle | |
CButtonStyleObjectPropertyDrawer | |
CGeneralPaletteBindingOptionDrawer | |
CMediaQueryObjectPropertyDrawer | |
CThemeSelectorEditor | |
►NToolbarExtender | |
CBeamableAssistantMenuItem | Scriptable object that gets loaded from CoreConfiguration.BeamableAssistantMenuItemsPaths when the BeamableToolbarExtender initializes or one of these is re-imported |
CBeamableAssistantMenuItemSeparator | |
CBeamableAssistantWindowMenuItem | Menu Item that opens the BeamableAssistantWindow when clicked. |
CBeamableConfigurationManagerMenuItem | Menu Item that opens the BeamableAssistantWindow when clicked. |
CBeamableContentManagerMenuItem | Menu Item that opens the BeamableAssistantWindow when clicked. |
CBeamableMicroserviceManagerMenuItem | Menu Item that opens the BeamableAssistantWindow when clicked. |
CBeamableThemeManagerMenuItem | Menu Item that opens the BeamableAssistantWindow when clicked. |
CBeamableToolbarButton | Scriptable object that gets loaded from CoreConfiguration.BeamableAssistantToolbarButtonsPathss when the BeamableToolbarExtender initializes or one of these is re-imported |
CBeamableToolboxWindowMenuItem | Menu Item that opens the BeamableAssistantWindow when clicked. |
CSampleBeamableButton | A sample button that can be used as a reference to understand how to extend the Unity editor's toolbar.
►NToolbox | |
►NComponents | |
CAnnouncementVisualElement | |
CCategoryDropdownVisualElement | |
CDockerAnnouncementVisualElement | |
CFeedbackAnnouncementVisualElement | |
CFilterRowVisualElement | |
CSurveyAnnouncementVisualElement | |
►CToolboxActionBarVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CToolboxAnnouncementListVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CToolboxBreadcrumbsVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CToolboxContentListVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CToolboxFeatureVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CTypeDropdownVisualElement | |
CUpdateAvailableAnnouncementVisualElement | |
CWelcomeAnnouncementVisualElement | |
CWhatsNewAnnouncementVisualElement | |
►NModels | |
CAnnouncementModel | |
CAnnouncementModelBase | |
CDockerAnnouncementModel | |
CEmptyWidgetSource | |
CFeedbackAnnouncementModel | |
CIToolboxViewService | |
CIWidgetSource | |
CSurveyAnnouncementModel | |
CToolboxQuery | |
CToolboxViewService | |
CUpdateAvailableAnnouncementModel | |
CWelcomeAnnouncementModel | |
CWhatsNewAnnouncementModel | |
CWidget | |
CWidgetSource | |
►NUI | |
►NComponents | |
CInstallServerVisualElement | |
CToolboxComponent | |
CToolboxWindow | |
►NUI | |
►NBuss | |
CBaseAssetBussPropertyDrawer | |
CBussClassAttribute | |
CBussIdAttribute | |
CBussNamePropertyDrawer | |
CBussStyleDescriptionDrawer | |
CBussStyleListVisualElement | |
CBussStyleSheetEditor | |
CBussStyleSheetEditorWindow | |
CBussThemeManager | |
CColorRectDrawer | |
CNewVariableVisualElement | |
CNewVariableWindow | |
CSDFImageInspector | |
CSerializableValueImplementsAttribute | |
CSerializableValueObjectDrawer | |
CVariableNameWizard | |
►NCommon | |
►NModels | |
CISearchableModel | |
CManifestModel | |
CRealmModel | |
CBeamableBasicVisualElement | |
CEnumFlagsAttribute | |
CEnumFlagsAttributeDrawer | |
CExtendedListView | This class is needed only to make ClearSelection a public method instead of protected. |
CFormConstraint | |
CFormConstraintCollection | |
►NComponents | |
CAddStyleButton | |
CAssetBussPropertyVisualElement | |
►CBeamableCheckboxVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CBeamablePopupWindow | |
CBeamableVisualElement | |
CBussElementHierarchyVisualElement | |
CBussPropertyVisualElement | |
CBussSelectorLabelVisualElement | |
CBussStyleCardVisualElement | |
CBussStylePropertyVisualElement | |
►CCalendarVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CColorBussPropertyVisualElement | |
►CColorPickerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CComponentBasedHierarchyVisualElement | |
CConfirmationPopupVisualElement | |
CCustomMessageBussPropertyVisualElement | |
►CDatePickerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
►CDaysPickerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
►CDayToggleVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
►CDropdownOptionsVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CDropdownSingleOption | |
►CDropdownSingleOptionVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
►CDropdownVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CEnumBussPropertyVisualElement | |
CEventScheduleWindow | |
►CExpandableListVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CFloatBussPropertyVisualElement | |
►CGenericButtonVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CGroupLoadingBarUpdater | |
►CHourPickerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CILoadingBar | |
CIndentedLabelVisualElement | |
CInlineStyleCardVisualElement | |
CIScheduleWindow | |
►CLabeledCalendarVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CLabeledCheckboxVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CLabeledColorPickerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CLabeledDatePickerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CLabeledDaysPickerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CLabeledDropdownVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CLabeledHourPickerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CLabeledIntegerField | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CLabeledNumberPicker | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CLabeledObjectField | |
►CLabeledSpritePickerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CLabeledTextField | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CListingScheduleWindow | |
►CLoadingBarElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CLoadingBarUpdater | |
►CLoadingIndicatorVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CLoadingSpinnerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CManifestButtonVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CMessageBussPropertyVisualElement | |
CNotImplementedBussPropertyVisualElement | |
CNoValidVariableBussPropertyVisualElement | |
►CPreviousNextOptionSelectorVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
►CPrimaryButtonVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
►CPublishLoggerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
►CPublishStatusVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
►CRealmButtonVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CSearchabledDropdownVisualElement | |
►CSearchBarVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CUxmlTraits | |
CSelectedBussElementVisualElement | |
►CSpritePickerVisualElement | |
CUxmlFactory | |
CTextAlignmentBussPropertyVisualElement | |
CUIRefAttribute | |
CVariableConnectionVisualElement | |
CVector2BussPropertyVisualElement | |
CVertexColorBussPropertyVisualElement | |
CVirtualLoadingBar | |
►NModel | |
CIBeamableBuilder | |
CIBeamableMicroservice | |
CIBeamableService | |
CIBeamableStorageObject | |
CLogMessage | |
CLogMessageStore | |
CMicroserviceBuilder | |
CMicroserviceModel | |
CMicroservicesDataModel | |
CMongoStorageBuilder | |
CMongoStorageModel | |
CRemoteMicroserviceModel | |
CRemoteMongoStorageModel | |
CServiceBuilderBase | |
CServiceModelBase | |
►NValidation | |
CAtLeastOneDaySelectedRule | |
CComponentsValidator | |
CHoursValidationRule | |
CIsNotEmptyRule | |
CIsProperDate | |
CIsProperHour | |
CNotAllDaysSelectedRule | |
CPatternMatchRule | |
CSchedulesDatesRule | |
CValidableVisualElement | |
CValidationRule | |
CBeamEditorWindow | |
CBeamEditorWindowInitConfig | Data that configures how a specific type of BeamEditorWindow<TWindow> should be initialized. |
CWindowBase | |
CBuildPreProcessor | |
CEditorGUIRectController | |
CFilePathSelectorDrawer | |
CISearchableElement | |
CReadonlyIfDrawer | |
CReparenterCustomEditor | |
CShowOnlyDrawer | |
►NExperimental | |
►NApi | |
►NCalendars | |
CCalendarsService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Calendars feature |
CCalendarsSubscription | This type defines the CalendarsSubscription for the CalendarsService |
►NChat | |
CChatProvider | |
CChatService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Chat feature |
CChatSubscription | |
CChatView | |
CCreateRoomRequest | |
CCreateRoomResponse | |
CGetMyRoomsResponse | |
CMessage | |
CPubNubChatProvider | |
CPubNubRoom | |
CRoom | |
CRoomHandle | |
CRoomInfo | |
CSendChatRequest | |
CSendChatResponse | |
►NLobbies | |
CAddTagsRequest | Request payload to add tags to a player in a Lobby. |
CCreateLobbyRequest | Request payload to create a new Lobby |
CILobbyApi | |
CJoinByPasscodeRequest | Request payload for joining a Lobby by passcode. |
CJoinLobbyRequest | Request payload for joining a Lobby by id. |
CLobby | A Lobby is a grouping of online players for use in multiplayer gaming. State about the lobby will be shared amongst the players in it. |
CLobbyNotification | Currently an empty payload notifying the client that the lobby should be re-fetched. |
CLobbyPlayer | Represents a player as seen from the Lobby structure. |
CLobbyQueryResponse | Response payload including a list of Lobby. |
CLobbyService | |
CNotInLobby | Exception thrown when making requests to Beamable.Player.PlayerLobby when a player is not in a Lobby. |
CRemoveFromLobbyRequest | Request payload to be used whenever removing a player from the Lobby. This includes leaving the Lobby as well as kicking a player out of the Lobby. |
CRemoveTagsRequest | Request payload to remove Lobby Tags from the requested player. |
CTag | An arbitrary name/value pair associated with a LobbyPlayer. |
►NMatchmaking | |
CMatch | This type defines the Match for the MatchmakingService |
CMatchmakingHandle | This type defines the MatchmakingHandle for the MatchmakingService |
CMatchmakingService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Multiplayer feature |
CMatchmakingStatus | This type defines the MatchmakingStatus for the MatchmakingService |
CTeam | This type defines the Team for the MatchmakingService |
CTicket | This type defines the Ticket for the MatchmakingService |
CTicketReservationRequest | This type defines the TicketReservationRequest for the MatchmakingService |
CTicketReservationResponse | This type defines the TicketReservationResponse for the MatchmakingService |
►NSim | |
CDeltaScoresByLeaderBoardId | This type defines the DeltaScoresByLeaderBoardId for the GameRelayService |
CGameRelayEvent | This type defines the GameRelayEvent for the GameRelayService |
CGameRelayService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Multiplayer feature |
CGameRelaySyncMsg | This type defines the GameRelaySyncMsg for the GameRelayService |
CGameResults | This type defines the GameResults for the GameRelayService |
CPlayerResult | This type defines the PlayerResult for the GameRelayService |
CResultsRequest | This type defines the ResultsRequest for the GameRelayService |
CSimBehavior | This type defines the SimBehavior for the Multiplayer feature |
CSimClient | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Multiplayer feature |
CSimEvent | This type defines the SimEvent for the Multiplayer feature |
►CSimFrame | This type defines the SimFrame for the Multiplayer feature |
CFramePacket | |
►CSimLog | This type defines the SimLog for the Multiplayer feature |
CSnapshot | This type defines the Snapshot for the Multiplayer feature |
CSimNetworkEventStream | This type defines the SimNetworkEventStream for the Multiplayer feature |
CSimNetworkInterface | This type defines the SimNetworkInterface for the Multiplayer feature |
CSimNetworkLocal | |
►NSocial | |
CSocialService | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Friends feature |
►NCalendars | |
CCalendarBehaviour | |
CCalendarFlowMainPage | |
CCalendarRewardsDay | |
►NCommon | |
►NApi | |
►NCalendars | |
CAbsCalendarApi | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Calendars feature |
CCalendarQueryResponse | This type defines the CalendarQueryResponse for the CalendarsService |
CCalendarView | This type defines the CalendarView for the CalendarsService |
CICalendarApi | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Calendars feature |
CRewardCalendarDay | This type defines the RewardCalendarDay for the CalendarsService |
CRewardCalendarObtain | This type defines the RewardCalendarObtain for the CalendarsService |
►NCalendars | |
CCalendarContent | This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the CalendarsService |
CCalendarLink | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CCalendarRef | This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject |
CIExperimentalAPI | This type defines the Client main entry point for the experimental features |
►NExtensions | |
CGameObjectDeactivateSection | |
►NInputManagerIntegration | |
CIInputActionArg | |
CInputActionArg | |
►NInventory | |
►NScripts | |
CInventoryBehaviour | |
CInventoryConfiguration | |
CInventoryEventArgs | |
CInventoryGroup | |
CInventoryGroupUI | |
CInventoryItemEvent | |
CInventoryMainMenu | |
CInventoryMenuBehaviour | |
CInventoryMenuConfiguration | |
CInventoryObjectUI | |
CInventorySignals | |
CInventoryUpdateArg | |
CInventoryUpdateEvent | |
CInventoryCommands | |
CItemImageSetter | |
►NLeaderboards | |
CLeaderboardBehavior | |
CLeaderboardItem | |
CLeaderboardMainMenu | |
CLeaderboardSignals | |
CToggleEvent | |
►NMicroservices | |
►NModules | |
►NContent | |
CAnnouncementsCollection | |
CAnnouncementsPresenter | |
CContentCommands | |
►NGenerics | |
CCollectionPresenter | |
CDataCollection | |
CDataPresenter | |
CGenericButton | |
CModel | |
CModelPresenter | |
►NInventory | |
►NLanguageLocalization | |
CLocalizationHelper | |
►NPrototypes | |
CGenericTextButton | |
CLanguageLocalizationElement | |
CInventoryPresenter | |
CItemGroupData | |
CItemPresenter | |
CItemsCollection | |
►NLeaderboards | |
CLeaderboardsModel | |
CLeaderboardsPresenter | |
CLeaderboardsRankEntriesPresenter | |
►CLeaderboardsRankEntryPresenter | |
CPoolData | |
►NPlatform | |
►NSDK | |
►NAuth | |
CGoogleInvalidTokenException | |
CGoogleSignIn | |
►CSignInWithGameCenter | |
CGameCenterVerificationRequest | |
CCometClientData | |
CCometClientDataEntry | |
►NPlayer | |
CAnnouncement | |
►CApiServices | |
CExperimentalApiServices | |
CISdkEventService | |
CObservableAccessToken | |
CObservableUser | |
CPlayerAnnouncements | A readonly list of the player's Announcements. The data will be updated by the Beamable SDK. |
CPlayerCurrency | The PlayerCurrency represents one currency of a player. The Amount shows the current value of the currency. |
CPlayerCurrencyGroup | The PlayerCurrencyGroup is a readonly observable list of currencies for a player. It represents all currencies for a player. |
CPlayerInventory | |
CPlayerItem | An item in the player's inventory. The item is uniquely identified by the ContentId and ItemId as a pair |
CPlayerItemGroup | A list of PlayerItems grouped by a common type. |
CPlayerLobby | Experimental API around managing a player's lobby state. |
CPlayerStat | A PlayerStat is a named value associated with a player. |
CPlayerStats | |
CSdkEvent | |
CSdkEventConsumer | |
CSdkEventService | |
CSerializableDictionaryStringToPlayerStat | |
CSerializedDictionaryStringToPlayerItemGroup | |
►NPooling | |
CClassPool | |
CDisablePool | |
►CHidePool | |
CPool | |
CHidePoolObject | |
CHidePoolService | |
CIStaticClassPoolObject | |
►CStringBuilderPool | |
CPooledStringBuilder | |
►NPurchasing | |
►NSteam | |
CInProgressPurchase | |
CSteamPurchasingModule | |
CSteamStore | |
CBeamableIAPInitializationException | |
CPaymentCommands | |
CUnityBeamableIAPServiceResolver | Unity IAP Beamable service resolver. |
CUnityBeamablePurchaser | Implementation of Unity IAP for Beamable purchasing. |
CUnityPurchaseReceipt | |
►NReflection | |
►CBeamReflectionCache | ReflectionSystemObject that holds the BeamReflectionCache.Registry used for Beam's initialization. Goes through all types, exhaustively, then finds and caches static methods with RegisterBeamableDependenciesAttributes. Beam calls on Registry.LoadCustomDependencies during it's initialization process in order for users to be able to inject dependencies into BeamContexts. |
CRegistry | |
CReflectionSystemObject | The base ScriptableObject type to wrap around any IReflectionSystem that a user may want to piggy-back in our assembly sweep done in ReflectionCache and EditorAPI and Beamable.API initializations. |
►NSamples | |
►NSampleProjectBase | |
CAutoOpenReadme | Ping a custom-formatted readme file and force-show in inspector. Parse the custom format to markdown-like display |
CBeamableReadmeEditor | Ping a custom-formatted readme file and force-show in inspector. Parse the custom format to markdown-like display |
►CReadme | Custom-formatted readme file with markdown-like display |
CSection | |
►NSerialization | |
►NSmallerJSON | |
►CArrayDict | |
CEnumerator | |
CIRawJsonProvider | This type defines part of the Beamable Json conversion |
CRawJsonProvider | This type defines part of the Beamable Json conversion |
►CStringBasedParser | |
CStringCacheEntry | |
CStringSlice | |
►CJsonSerializable | |
CDeleteStream | |
CIDeletable | |
CIDeleteListener | |
CISerializable | |
CISerializableFactory | |
CISerializeIdentifiable | |
CIStreamSerializer | |
CJsonSaveStream | Class JsonSaveStream is an IStreamSerializer for JsonSerializable Provides serialization of ISerializable objects to json strings |
CLoadStream | Class LoadStream is an IStreamSerializer for JsonSerializable Provides deserialization of Dictionary(string, object) into ISerializable objects |
CSaveStream | Class SaveStream is an IStreamSerializer for JsonSerializable Provides serialization of ISerializable objects to Dictionary(string, object) |
CStreamFactoryService | |
►CTestJsonSerializer | |
CILLContainer | |
CItem | |
CListContainer | |
►NServer | |
►NApi | |
►NAnnouncements | |
CIMicroserviceAnnouncementsApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Announcements feature |
►NCalendars | |
CIMicroserviceCalendarsApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Calendars feature |
►NCloudData | |
CIMicroserviceCloudDataApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the A/B Testing feature |
►NCommerce | |
CCooldownReductionRequest | |
CIMicroserviceCommerceApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Commerce feature |
CUpdateListingCooldownRequest | |
►NContent | |
CIMicroserviceContentApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Content feature |
►NEvents | |
CIMicroserviceEventsApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Events feature |
►NGroups | |
CIMicroserviceGroupsApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Groups feature |
►NInventory | |
CIMicroserviceInventoryApi | This type defines the Microservices main entry point for the Inventory feature |
►NLeaderboards | |
CCreateLeaderboardRequest | |
CGetPlayerLeaderboardsResponse | |
CIMicroserviceLeaderboardsApi | This type defines the Client main entry point for the Leaderboards feature |
CListLeaderboardResponse | |
►NMail | |
CIMicroserviceMailApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Mail feature |
►NNotifications | |
CIMicroserviceNotificationsApi | Microservice API for sending Notifications to clients. |
►NRealmConfig | |
CIMicroserviceRealmConfigService | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Realm Configuration feature |
CRealmConfig | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Realm Configuration feature |
CRealmConfigNamespaceData | |
►NSocial | |
CIMicroserviceSocialApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Friends feature |
►NStats | |
CIMicroserviceStatsApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Stats feature |
►NTournament | |
CIMicroserviceTournamentApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Tournaments feature |
CIMicroserviceAuthApi | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Auth feature |
►NEditor | |
►NCodeGen | |
CProgramCodeGenerator | |
CProjectGenerator | |
CServiceCodeGenerator | |
►NDockerCommands | |
CBuildImageCommand | |
CCheckDockerCommand | |
CCheckImageCodeGenErrorCommand | |
CCheckImageCommand | |
CCheckImageReturnableCommand | |
CDeleteVolumeCommand | |
CDockerCommand | |
CDockerCommandReturnable | |
CDockerCopyCommand | |
CDockerLoginCommand | |
CDockerNotInstalledException | |
CDockerPortCommand | |
CDockerPortResult | |
CDockerStatus | |
CFollowLogCommand | |
CGetDockerLocalStatus | |
CGetImageIdCommand | |
CMongoDumpCommand | |
CMongoRestoreCommand | |
CPruneImageCommand | |
CRunClientGenerationCommand | |
►CRunImageCommand | |
CBindMount | |
CRunServiceCommand | |
CRunStorageCommand | |
CRunStorageToolCommand | |
CSaveImageCommand | |
►CSnykTestCommand | |
CResult | |
CStopImageCommand | |
CStopImageReturnableCommand | |
►NManagerClient | |
CGetLogsRequest | |
CGetLogsResponse | |
CGetManifestResponse | |
CGetManifestsResponse | |
CGetStatusResponse | |
CLogMessage | |
CMicroserviceManager | |
CPostManifestRequest | |
CServiceDependency | |
CServiceManifest | |
CServiceReference | |
CServiceStatus | |
CServiceStorageReference | |
►NUI | |
►NComponents | |
►NDockerLoginWindow | |
CDockerLoginVisualElement | |
CIEntryModel | |
CManifestEntryModel | |
CManifestModel | |
CManifestVisualElement | |
CStorageEntryModel | |
►NUploader | |
CContainerUploader | |
CContainerUploadHarness | Container uploader sub-component of Beamable. |
CFileChunk | One chunk of an upload. |
CBeamServiceCodeHandle | |
CBeamServicesCodeWatcher | |
CClientAssemblyBuilder | |
CClientCallableDescriptor | |
CClientCallableParameterDescriptor | |
CCommonAreaService | |
CCreateMicroservicePopup | |
CIDescriptor | |
CMicroserviceConfigConstants | |
CMicroserviceConfiguration | |
CMicroserviceConfigurationDebugEntry | |
CMicroserviceConfigurationEntry | |
CMicroserviceDescriptor | |
CMicroservicePrefixSetter | |
►CMicroserviceReflectionCache | |
CRegistry | |
CMicroserviceRiderDebugTools | |
CMicroservicesBeamHintDetailsConverterProvider | |
CMicroserviceStateMachine | |
CMicroserviceTransition | |
COptionalMicroserviceRiderDebugTools | |
CPackageAvailability | |
CRouteParametersPropertyDrawer | |
CRouteVariablesPropertyDrawer | |
CServiceDependencyChecksum | |
CServiceRoutePropertyDrawer | |
CStorageConfigurationEntry | |
CStorageObjectDescriptor | |
►NGenerator | |
►CClientCodeGenerator | |
CCallableMethodInfo | |
CAdminOnlyCallableAttribute | This type defines the Microservice method attribute for any Microservice method which can be called ONLY from a Microservice by a User account of Admin type |
CAssemblyDefinitionInfo | |
CAssemblyDefinitionInfoCollection | |
CAssemblyDefinitionInfoGroup | |
CAssemblyDefinitionNotFoundException | |
CBsonListSerializer | |
CCallableAttribute | Base callable attribute used to identify methods to be exposed by microservices as endpoints. This attribute makes the endpoint publicly accessible (no need for authentication). ClientCallableAttribute forces the authentication to be required. AdminOnlyCallableAttribute makes it so that only an admin/developer can reach the endpoint. |
CClientCallableAttribute | This type defines the Microservice method attribute for any Microservice method which can be called EITHER from the Client or a Microservice by a User account of any type |
CConfigureServicesAttribute | |
CCustomResponseSerializationAttribute | |
CDependencyResolver | |
CDllReferenceNotFoundException | |
CEnviornmentArgs | |
CIBeamableServices | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for Beamable Microservice features |
CIMicroserviceArgs | |
CIMongoSerializationService | |
CInitializeServicesAttribute | |
CIRealmInfo | |
CIServiceBuilder | |
CIServiceInitializer | When creating a IServiceInitializer remember to inject a RequestContext using it's parameterless constructor. This is used to notify users they must call Microservice.AssumeUser before attempting to use certain user-specific routes. |
CIStorageObjectConnectionProvider | |
CMicroservice | This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Microservice feature |
CMicroService | |
CMicroserviceArgs | |
CMicroserviceAssemblyDependency | |
CMicroserviceAttribute | |
CMicroserviceClient | |
CMicroserviceClientDataWrapper | |
CMicroserviceClients | |
CMicroserviceDependencies | |
CMicroserviceException | |
CMicroserviceFileDependency | |
CMicroserviceFileDependencyComparer | |
CMissingScopesException | |
CMongoSerializableAttribute | |
CMongoSerializationService | |
CMongoStorageObject | |
CParameterAttribute | |
CParameterCardinalityException | |
CParameterLegacyException | |
CParameterMissingRequiredException | |
CParameterNullException | |
CRequestContext | This type defines the Microservice RequestContext |
CRequestHandlerData | |
CServiceMethod | |
CServiceMethodCollection | |
CStorageDocument | |
CStorageObject | |
CStorageObjectAttribute | |
►CStorageObjectConnectionProvider | |
CConnectionString | |
CStructSerializer | |
CSwaggerCategoryAttribute | |
CUnauthorizedUserException | |
CUnhandledPathException | |
CVector2IntEx | |
CVector3IntEx | |
►NService | |
CApplicationLifetimeDetector | |
CEditorPrefabServiceResolver | |
CEditorServiceResolverAttribute | |
CEditorSingletonMonoBehaviourServiceResolver | |
CEditorSingletonServiceResolver | |
CIServiceResolver | This type defines functionality implemented by a collections of resolvers |
CLazyMonoBehaviourServiceResolver | |
CMonoBehaviourServiceContainer | |
CSceneLoadedServiceResolver | |
CServiceContainer | |
►NSessions | |
CSessionConfiguration | |
►NShop | |
►NDefaults | |
CBasicListingRenderer | |
CBasicStoreRenderer | |
CObtainSummaryListCurrencyRenderer | |
CObtainSummaryListItemRenderer | |
CObtainSummaryListRenderer | |
CUnknownPriceTypeException | |
CListingRenderer | |
CObtainRenderer | |
CShopConfiguration | |
CShopFlow | |
CShopRewardRenderer | |
CShopSignals | |
CStoreListingEvent | |
CStoreRenderEvent | |
►NSignals | |
CDeSignal | |
CDeSignalTower | |
►NSound | |
CSoundConfiguration | |
►NSpew | |
CBeamableSpewSettingsProvider | |
►NStats | |
CStatBehaviour | |
CStatObject | |
CStatObjectChangeEvent | |
CStatUpdateEvent | |
CStatUserChangeException | |
►NTheme | |
►NAppliers | |
CButtonStyleApplier | |
CGradientStyleApplier | |
CImageStyleApplier | |
CLayoutStyleApplier | |
CSelectableStyleApplier | |
CSoundStyleApplier | |
CStringStyleApplier | |
CStyleApplier | |
CTextStyleApplier | |
CTransformStyleApplier | |
CWindowStyleApplier | |
►NObjects | |
CButtonStyleData | |
CGradientStyleObject | |
CImageStyleObject | |
CLayoutStyleObject | |
CSelectableStyleObject | |
CTextStyleObject | |
►NPalettes | |
CButtonBinding | |
CButtonPalette | |
CButtonStyle | |
CButtonStyleData | |
CColorBinding | |
CColorPalette | |
CColorStyle | |
CFontBinding | |
CFontPalette | |
CFontStyle | |
CGradientBinding | |
CGradientPalette | |
CGradientStyle | |
CImageBinding | |
CImagePalette | |
CImageStyle | |
CLayoutBinding | |
CLayoutPalette | |
CLayoutStyle | |
CSelectableBinding | |
CSelectablePalette | |
CSelectableStyle | |
CSoundBinding | |
CSoundPalette | |
CSoundStyle | |
CStringBinding | |
CStringPalette | |
CStringStyle | |
CStyledColorBlock | |
CTextBinding | |
CTextPalette | |
CTextStyle | |
CTransformBinding | |
CTransformPalette | |
CTransformStyle | |
CWindowBinding | |
CWindowPalette | |
CWindowStyle | |
CCanHideAttribute | |
CGeneralPaletteBinding | |
CIPaletteStyleCopier | |
►CPalette | |
CPaletteBinding | |
CPaletteBase | |
CPaletteStyle | |
CPaletteStyleCopier | |
CStyleBehaviour | |
CStyleObject | |
CStyleObjectBase | |
CThemeConfiguration | |
CThemeObject | |
►NTournaments | |
CCountdownTextBehaviour | |
CFixedCharacterFitter | |
CMockTournamentService | |
CTabBehaviour | |
CTabChangeEvent | |
CTabChangeEventArgs | |
CTabCollection | |
CTabData | |
CTournamenClaimableRewardBehaviour | |
CTournamentBundle | |
CTournamentColorConstraint | |
CTournamentEntryBehavior | |
CTournamentEntryData | |
CTournamentEntryPlayerBehaviour | |
CTournamentEntryProvider | |
CTournamentEntryViewData | |
CTournamentInfoBehaviour | |
CTournamentInfoDetailBehaviour | |
CTournamentInfoDetailContainerBehaviour | |
CTournamentInfoPageSection | |
CTournamentNumbersBehaviour | |
CTournamentPlayerRewards | |
CTournamentRewardBehaviour | |
CTournamentRewardEntryBehaviour | |
CTournamentRewardPanelBehaviour | |
CTournamentsBehaviour | |
CTournamentsConfiguration | |
CTournamentStageGainBehaviour | |
CTournamentStageGainDefinition | |
►NUI | |
►NBuss | |
CBackgroundModeBussProperty | |
CBaseAssetProperty | |
CBorderModeBussProperty | |
CBussConfiguration | |
CBussElement | |
CBussPropertyProvider | |
CBussPseudoStyle | |
CBussSelector | |
►CBussStyle | |
CPropertyBinding | |
CBussStyleDescription | |
CBussStyleRule | |
CBussStyleSheet | |
CClassSelector | |
CCombinedSelector | |
CEasingBussProperty | |
CEnumBussProperty | |
CFloatBussProperty | |
CFontBussAssetProperty | |
CFractionFloatBussProperty | |
CIBussProperty | |
CIColorBussProperty | |
CIdSelector | |
CIEnumBussProperty | |
CIFloatBussProperty | |
CIFloatFromFloatBussProperty | |
CIFontBussProperty | |
CIInterpolatedBussProperty | |
CImageTypeBussProperty | |
CISpriteBussProperty | |
CIVector2BussProperty | |
CIVertexColorBussProperty | |
CMainTextureBussProperty | |
CNineSliceSourceBussProperty | |
CParentedSelector | |
CPropertySourceDatabase | |
►CPropertySourceTracker | |
CSourceData | |
CPseudoSelector | |
CSdfImageBussElement | |
CSdfModeBussProperty | |
CSelectorWeight | Class that describes BUSS selectors weight - Parameters
idCount | Amount of ids |
classCount | Amount of classes, attributes and pseudo-classes |
elementCount | Amount of elements and pseudo-elements |
CShadowModeBussProperty | |
CSingleColorBussProperty | |
CSpriteBussProperty | |
CTextAlignmentOptionsBussProperty | |
CTextMeshBussElement | |
CTypeSelector | |
CUniversalSelector | |
►CVariableDatabase | |
CPropertyReference | |
CVariableData | |
CVariableProperty | |
CVector2BussProperty | |
CVertexColorBussProperty | |
►NButtons | |
CDeButtonBehaviour | |
►NLayouts | |
CMediaQueryBehaviour | |
CMediaQueryEvent | |
CMediaQueryObject | |
CReparenterBehaviour | |
CStackLayout | |
►NPrompt | |
CDePromptData | |
CDePromptUnityEvent | |
►NScripts | |
CAddressableImageBehaviour | |
CAwaitableAsyncOperationHandle | |
CBackButtonBehaviour | |
CBeamableAnimationException | |
CBeamableButton | |
CBeamableWindow | |
CClickOffBehaviour | |
CCloseButtonBehaviour | |
CEventSoundBehaviour | |
CGameObjectToggler | Just a "toggler" between two game objects. Mostly used to display Loading Indicators while waiting for a callback. |
CInputReference | |
CInputValidationBehaviour | |
CLoadingDisableBehaviour | |
CMenuBase | |
CMenuManagementBehaviour | |
►CPoolableScrollView | |
CIContentProvider | |
CIItem | |
CScrollButton | |
CStickyScrollElement | |
CTextReference | |
CTextReferenceBase | |
CTransformOffsetBehaviour | |
►NSdf | |
CColorRect | |
CQuad2D | |
CSdfImage | |
CSdfMaterialData | |
CSerializableValueObject | |
►NTextField | |
CDeTextFieldBehaviour | |
►NTweening | |
CBaseTween | |
CColorTween | |
CFloatTween | |
CGenericTween | |
CTweenManager | |
►NUnityEngineClone | |
►NUI | |
►NExtensions | |
CGradient | |
CHorizontalScrollSnap | |
CScrollSnap | |
►CScrollSnapBase | |
CSelectionChangeEndEvent | |
CSelectionChangeStartEvent | |
CSelectionPageChangedEvent | |
CScrollSnapScrollbarHelper | |
CUI_InfiniteScroll | Infinite scroll view with automatic configuration |
CAbsModuleConfigurationObject | |
CAgnosticAttribute | This type defines the field attribute that marks a Beamable ContentObject field as compatible with Beamable Microservices |
CAPI | This is the legacy way to access Beamable. It will still work, and internally maps to the new way. However, please use the new way, but accessing BeamContext.Default ![img beamable-logo] |
CBaseModuleConfigurationObject | |
CBeamableBehaviour | This component is a Unity component hook to access a BeamContext object. Every BeamableBehaviour has one BeamContext. The gameobject that holds this component may also be used by Beamable to store other required components for the BeamContext |
CBeamableConfigurationConstants | |
CBeamableDisplayModule | |
CBeamableModule | |
CBeamContext | |
CBeamContextInitException | |
CBeamEditorContext | |
CConfigData | |
CCoreConfiguration | |
CCustomerDTO | |
CCustomerResponse | |
CEnvironmentData | |
CIBeamableAPI | This interface represents a collection of Beamable APIs and data structures. This type defines the Client main entry point for the main Beamable features |
CIConfigurationConstants | |
CIGameObjectContext | |
CIHasSourcePath | This type defines those types with a SourcePath |
CIObservedPlayer | The observed player has a limited subset of functionality from the larger BeamContext. |
CModuleConfigurationNotReadyException | |
CModuleConfigurationObject | |
CProjectDTO | |
CPromiseYieldInstruction | |
▼NBeamableReflection | |
CPreserveAttribute | from Unity docs https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Scripting.PreserveAttribute.html |
▼NCore | |
►NPlatform | |
►NSDK | |
CBeamableApiRequester | |
CBeamableApiTokenRequest | |
CBeamableApiTokenResponse | |
CIBeamableApiRequester | |
CPlatformFilesystemAccessor | |
CBeamableTaskLike | |
►NServer | |
►NCommon | |
CClientRequest | |
CClientResponse | |
CGatewayResponse | |
▼NDemoGame | |
►NScripts | |
NEditor | |
▼NGCIdentityPlugin | |
CGCIdentity | |
▼NMongoDB | |
►NBson | |
►NSerialization | |
►NAttributes | |
CBsonIdAttribute | |
CBsonIgnoreAttribute | |
CBsonIgnoreIfDefaultAttribute | |
CBsonIgnoreIfNullAttribute | |
CBsonRepresentationAttribute | |
CBsonSerializationOptionsAttribute | |
CBsonMemberMapAttributeUsageAttribute | |
CIBsonMemberMapAttribute | |
▼NPubNubMessaging | |
►NCore | |
CBuildRequests | |
CChannelEntity | |
CChannelIdentity | |
CChannelParameters | |
CCoroutineClass | |
CCounter | |
CExceptionHandlers | |
CIJsonPluggableLibrary | |
CIPubnubUnitTest | |
CLoggingMethod | |
CPNMessageResult | |
CPubnub | |
CPubnubClientError | |
CPubnubCrypto | |
CPubnubCryptoBase | |
CPubnubErrorFilter | |
CPubnubUnity | |
CPubnubWebRequest | |
CPubnubWebResponse | |
CReconnectState | |
CRequestState | |
CSafeDictionary | |
CSharedStringBuilder | |
CSmallerJSONObjectSerializer | |
CStoredRequestState | |
CSubscription | |
▼NSystem | |
►NRuntime | |
►NCompilerServices | |
CAsyncMethodBuilderAttribute | |
▼NUnityEditor | |
►NVspAttribution | |
►NBeamable | |
►CBeamableVsp | |
CVspMetadata | |
CVspVersionResponse | |
▼NUnityEngine | |
CStatEditor | |
▼NVirtualList | |
►NEditor | |
CAbstractVirtualListEditor | |
CAbstractVirtualList | |
CIListSource | |
CIPrefabSource | |
CIViewFor | |
CSimpleSource | |
CSimpleSourceWithPrefab | |
CVirtualGridList | |
CVirtualHorizontalList | |
CVirtualVerticalList | |