Beamable SDK
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DisruptorBeam.Content.AnnouncementContent Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for DisruptorBeam.Content.AnnouncementContent:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for DisruptorBeam.Content.AnnouncementContent:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

string channel
string title
string summary
string body
string start_date
string end_date
List< AnnouncementAttachmentattachments
- Public Attributes inherited from DisruptorBeam.Content.ContentObject
string ContentVersion => Version
string ContentType => GetContentTypeName(GetType())
string Id => $"{ContentType}.{ContentName}"
- Public Attributes inherited from UnityEngine.ScriptableObject
string name

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from DisruptorBeam.Content.ContentObject
void SetIdAndVersion (string id, string version)
ContentObject SetContentName (string name)
ContentObject SetContentMetadata (string name, string version)
void BroadcastUpdate ()
virtual void Validate ()
 Validate this ContentObject. More...
bool HasValidationErrors (out List< string > errors)
List< ContentValidationExceptionGetMemberValidationErrors ()
string ToJson ()
void SetIdAndVersion (string id, string version)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DisruptorBeam.Content.ContentObject
static string GetContentTypeName (Type contentType)
 Serialize this content into a json block, containing ONLY the properties object. Ex: { "sample": { "data": 4 }, "sample2": { "data": { "nested": 5 } } } More...
static string GetContentType< TContent > ()
static TContent Make< TContent > (string name)
static string GetContentType (Type contentType)
static string GetContentType< TContent > ()
- Properties inherited from DisruptorBeam.Content.ContentObject
string ContentName [get]
string Version [get, set]
string[]?? Tags [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Beamable.Common.Content.IContentObject
string Id [get]
string Version [get]
string[] Tags [get]
- Events inherited from DisruptorBeam.Content.ContentObject
ContentDelegate OnChanged

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