Beamable SDK
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Beamable.Common.Api.Tournaments.TournamentPlayerStatus Class Reference

Public Attributes

string contentId
 The tournament content id that spawned this tournament.
string tournamentId
 The runtime id of the tournament.
long playerId
 The gamertag of this player's tournament status.
int tier
 The tournament tier the player is participating on. If the player does well, they will gain stages. If a player does poorly, they will loose stages. Once a player has reached the final stage for their tier, they will advance a tier.
int stage
 The tournament stage the player is participating on. There are multiple stages per tier. If the player does well, they will gain stages. If a player does poorly, they will loose stages.
long groupId
 The group id that the player is working for in the tournament. If the player isn't participating in a group, this will be 0.
List< TournamentRewardCurrencyunclaimedRewards
 A set of TournamentRewardCurrency that the player would earn at the end of the tournament cycle. These rewards aren't allowed to be claimed until the end of the cycle. If a player's score is overtaken at the end of a tournament, the rewards may change. Use the ITournamentApi.GetUnclaimedRewards method to see the final rewards.

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