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Beamable.CronExpression.CronLocalizationData Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Beamable.CronExpression.CronLocalizationData:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Beamable.CronExpression.CronLocalizationData:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

string GetString (string resourceName)

Public Attributes

string EveryMinute = "every minute"
string EveryHour = "every hour"
string AnErrorOccuredWhenGeneratingTheExpressionD = "An error occured when generating the expression description. Check the cron expression syntax."
string AtSpace = "At "
string EveryMinuteBetweenX0AndX1 = "Every minute between {0} and {1}"
string At = "At"
string SpaceAnd = " and"
string EverySecond = "every second"
string EveryX0Seconds = "every {0} seconds"
string SecondsX0ThroughX1PastTheMinute = "seconds {0} through {1} past the minute"
string AtX0SecondsPastTheMinute = "at {0} seconds past the minute"
string EveryX0Minutes = "every {0} minutes"
string MinutesX0ThroughX1PastTheHour = "minutes {0} through {1} past the hour"
string AtX0MinutesPastTheHour = "at {0} minutes past the hour"
string EveryX0Hours = "every {0} hours"
string BetweenX0AndX1 = "between {0} and {1}"
string AtX0 = "at {0}"
string ComaEveryDay = ", every day"
string ComaEveryX0DaysOfTheWeek = ", every {0} days of the week"
string ComaX0ThroughX1 = ", {0} through {1}"
string First = "first"
string Second = "second"
string Third = "third"
string Fourth = "fourth"
string Fifth = "fifth"
string ComaOnThe = ", on the "
string SpaceX0OfTheMonth = " {0} of the month"
string ComaOnTheLastX0OfTheMonth = ", on the last {0} of the month"
string ComaOnlyOnX0 = ", only on {0}"
string ComaEveryX0Months = ", every {0} months"
string ComaOnlyInX0 = ", only in {0}"
string ComaOnTheLastDayOfTheMonth = ", on the last day of the month"
string ComaOnTheLastWeekdayOfTheMonth = ", on the last weekday of the month"
string FirstWeekday = "first weekday"
string WeekdayNearestDayX0 = "weekday nearest day {0}"
string ComaOnTheX0OfTheMonth = ", on the {0} of the month"
string ComaEveryX0Days = ", every {0} days"
string ComaBetweenDayX0AndX1OfTheMonth = ", between day {0} and {1} of the month"
string ComaOnDayX0OfTheMonth = ", on day {0} of the month"
string SpaceAndSpace = " and "
string ComaEveryMinute = ", every minute"
string ComaEveryHour = ", every hour"
string ComaEveryX0Years = ", every {0} years"
string CommaStartingX0 = ", starting {0}"
string AMPeriod = "AM"
string PMPeriod = "PM"
string CommaDaysBeforeTheLastDayOfTheMonth = ", {0} days before the last day of the month"
string ComaOnlyInYearX0 = ", only in {0}"


string Localization [get]

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