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Beamable.Editor.Login.UI.Model.CustomerModel Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void SetExistingCustomerData (string cidOrAlias, string email, string password)
void SetNewCustomer (string alias, string gameName, string email, string password)
void SetCustomerData (string email, string password)
void SetCidPid (string cid, string pid)
void SetPid (string pid)
void SetUserInfo (long id, string email)
void SetPasswordForgetData (string cid, string email)
void Clear ()
void SetPasswordCode (string code, string password)


string CidOrAlias [get]
string Pid [get]
long Id [get]
string Email [getset]
string Role [getset]
string Password [getset]
string Code [getset]
string PasswordConfirmation [getset]
bool HasCid [get]
bool HasGame [get]
bool HasUser [get]
bool HasRole [get]
bool HasData [get]


Action OnUpdated

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