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Beamable.Api.IPlatformService Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for Beamable.Api.IPlatformService:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Beamable.Api.IPlatformService:
Collaboration graph


User User [get]
 The User for this player instance.
Promise< UnitOnReady [get]
 A Promise that completes once the user has initialized for this player instance.
INotificationService Notification [get]
 Access to the INotificationService for this player instance.
IPubnubNotificationService PubnubNotificationService [get]
 Access to the IPubnubNotificationService for this player instance.
IHeartbeatService Heartbeat [get]
 Access to the IHeartbeatService for this player instance.
string Cid [get]
 The current Customer ID for this player instance.
string Pid [get]
 The current Realm ID for this player instance.
string TimeOverride [getset]
 A time override that can be used to fake the current Beamable known time. This can be useful to checking Listing or Announcement times.
IConnectivityService ConnectivityService [get]
 Access to the IConnectivityService for this player instance.
CoroutineService CoroutineService [get]
 Access to the CoroutineService for this player instance.
- Properties inherited from Beamable.Common.Api.IUserContext
long UserId [get]
 The current gamertag of this context


Action OnShutdown
 An event that will trigger when the player instance is shut down
Action OnReloadUser
 An event that will trigger when the player instance changes
Action TimeOverrideChanged
 An event that will trigger when a time override has been applied on the TimeOverride property.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: