Beamable SDK
Classes | Enumerations
Beamable.Common.Api.Auth Namespace Reference


class  AuthApi
class  AuthThirdPartyMethods
class  AvailabilityRequest
class  AvailabilityResponse
class  CodeTypeExtensions
class  CurrentProjectResponse
class  CustomerRegistrationRequest
class  CustomerRegistrationResponse
class  DefaultAuthSettings
interface  IAuthApi
interface  IAuthSettings
class  TokenResponse
 This type defines the functionality for the TokenResponse for the AuthService. More...
class  User
 This type defines the Client main entry point for the User feature. More...
class  UserBundle
 This type defines the UserBundle which combines User and TokenResponse. More...


enum  AuthThirdParty {
  Facebook , FacebookLimited , Apple , Google ,
  GameCenter , GameCenterLimited , Steam
 The available set of third party apps that Beamable can associate with player accounts. Note that the serialized state of these values should use the AuthThirdPartyMethods.GetString method.
enum  CodeType { UUID , PIN }