Beamable SDK
Beamable.Common.Dependencies Namespace Reference


class  DependencyBuilder
 The default implementation of IDependencyBuilder. It is not recommended that you ever use this class directly. You should only ever reference the interface. More...
class  DependencyProvider
interface  IBeamableDisposable
 Any service that is in a IDependencyProvider can have this interface. When the IDependencyProvider is disposed via the IDependencyProviderScope.Dispose method, this service's IBeamableDisposable.OnDispose method will trigger. More...
interface  IDependencyBuilder
 The IDependencyBuilder is part of the Beamable dependency injection system. It is used to describe a set of services that will exist, but the builder never actually creates any service instance. More...
interface  IDependencyProvider
 The IDependencyProvider is a collection of services, built from a IDependencyBuilder. Use the GetService<T> method to get services. More...
interface  IDependencyProviderScope
 The IDependencyProviderScope is a IDependencyProvider But has more access methods and lifecycle controls. More...
class  RegisterBeamableDependenciesAttribute
 Use this attribute to register custom services when Beamable starts up. You should use this on a method that takes one parameter of type IDependencyBuilder. Add whatever services you want to on the builder instance. Any service you register will exist for each BeamContext. More...
class  ServiceDescriptor
 Describes how to create a service instance More...