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Beamable.Server.Editor.MicroservicesBeamHintDetailsConverterProvider Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Beamable.Server.Editor.MicroservicesBeamHintDetailsConverterProvider:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Beamable.Server.Editor.MicroservicesBeamHintDetailsConverterProvider:
Collaboration graph

Static Public Member Functions

static void DockerNotRunningConverter (in BeamHint hint, in BeamHintTextMap textMap, BeamHintVisualsInjectionBag injectionBag)
 Converter that handles the BeamHintIds.ID_DOCKER_PROCESS_NOT_RUNNING hint.
static void InstallDockerProcessConverter (in BeamHint hint, in BeamHintTextMap textMap, BeamHintVisualsInjectionBag injectionBag)
 Converter that handles the BeamHintIds.ID_DOCKER_PROCESS_NOT_RUNNING hint.
static void ChangesNotDeployedToLocalDockerConverter (in BeamHint hint, in BeamHintTextMap textMap, BeamHintVisualsInjectionBag injectionBag)
 Converter that handles the BeamHintIds.ID_DOCKER_PROCESS_NOT_RUNNING hint.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Beamable.Editor.Assistant.BeamHintDetailConverterProvider
static void MisconfiguredHintDetailsAttributeConverter (in BeamHint hint, in BeamHintTextMap textMap, BeamHintVisualsInjectionBag injectionBag)
 Converter to handle cases where other BeamHintDetailConverterAttribute fail their validations. It also handles AttributeValidationResults, but in a way that guarantees that the converter function matches one of the accepted signatures.
static void AttributeValidationConverter (in BeamHint hint, in BeamHintTextMap textMap, BeamHintVisualsInjectionBag injectionBag)
 Converter that handles AttributeValidationResults as context object and displays a single Label text message.
static void UniqueNameAttributeValidationConverter (in BeamHint hint, in BeamHintTextMap textMap, BeamHintVisualsInjectionBag injectionBag)
 Converter that handles UniqueNameCollisionDatas as context object and displays a single Label text message.

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