Beamable SDK
Classes | Functions
Beamable.Server Namespace Reference


class  AdminOnlyCallableAttribute
 This type defines the Microservice method attribute for any Microservice method which can be called ONLY from a Microservice by a User account of Admin type. More...
class  ApiContentExtensions
class  AssemblyDefinitionInfo
class  AssemblyDefinitionInfoCollection
class  AssemblyDefinitionInfoGroup
class  AssemblyDefinitionNotFoundException
class  BsonListSerializer
class  CallableAttribute
 Base callable attribute used to identify methods to be exposed by microservices as endpoints. This attribute makes the endpoint publicly accessible (no need for authentication). ClientCallableAttribute forces the authentication to be required. AdminOnlyCallableAttribute makes it so that only an admin/developer can reach the endpoint. More...
class  ClientCallableAttribute
 This type defines the Microservice method attribute for any Microservice method which can be called EITHER from the Client or a Microservice by a User account of any type. More...
class  ConfigureServicesAttribute
class  CustomResponseSerializationAttribute
class  DependencyResolver
class  DllReferenceNotFoundException
class  EnviornmentArgs
interface  IBeamableServices
 This type defines the Microservice main entry point for Beamable Microservice features. More...
interface  IMicroserviceArgs
interface  IMongoSerializationService
class  InitializeServicesAttribute
interface  IRealmInfo
interface  IServiceBuilder
interface  IServiceInitializer
 When creating a IServiceInitializer remember to inject a RequestContext using it's parameterless constructor. This is used to notify users they must call Microservice.AssumeUser before attempting to use certain user-specific routes. More...
class  IServiceProviderExtensions
interface  IStorageObjectConnectionProvider
class  Microservice
 This type defines the Microservice main entry point for the Microservice feature. More...
class  MicroService
class  MicroserviceArgs
class  MicroserviceArgsExtensions
class  MicroserviceAssemblyDependency
class  MicroserviceAttribute
class  MicroserviceBootstrapper
class  MicroserviceClient
class  MicroserviceClientDataWrapper
class  MicroserviceClientHelper
class  MicroserviceClients
class  MicroserviceDependencies
class  MicroserviceException
class  MicroserviceFileDependency
class  MicroserviceFileDependencyComparer
class  MicroserviceIndividualization
class  MissingScopesException
class  MongoSerializableAttribute
class  MongoSerializationService
class  MongoStorageObject
class  ParameterAttribute
class  ParameterCardinalityException
class  ParameterLegacyException
class  ParameterMissingRequiredException
class  ParameterNullException
class  RequestContext
 This type defines the Microservice RequestContext. More...
struct  RequestHandlerData
class  ServiceMethod
class  ServiceMethodCollection
class  ServiceMethodHelper
class  StorageDocument
class  StorageObject
class  StorageObjectAttribute
class  StorageObjectConnectionProvider
class  StructSerializer
class  SwaggerCategoryAttribute
class  UnauthorizedUserException
class  UnhandledPathException
struct  Vector2IntEx
struct  Vector3IntEx
class  XXXX
class  XXXXExtension


delegate TMicroService MicroserviceFactory< out TMicroService > ()
delegate IBeamableRequester RequesterFactory (RequestContext ctx)
delegate IBeamableServices ServicesFactory (IBeamableRequester requester, RequestContext ctx)
delegate T ServiceFactory< out T > (IServiceProvider provider)
delegate TMicroService ServiceFactory< out TMicroService > ()

Function Documentation

◆ MicroserviceFactory< out TMicroService >()

delegate TMicroService Beamable.Server.MicroserviceFactory< out TMicroService > ( )
Type Constraints
TMicroService :Microservice 

◆ ServiceFactory< out TMicroService >()

delegate TMicroService Beamable.Server.ServiceFactory< out TMicroService > ( )
Type Constraints
TMicroService :MicroService