Beamable SDK
Classes | Enumerations | Functions
Beamable.Common.Content Namespace Reference


class  AbsContentLink
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  AbsContentRef
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  ApiContent
class  ApiInvocationStrategy
class  ApiRef
class  ApiReward
class  ApiVariable
class  ApiVariableBag
class  ApiVariableReference
class  BaseContentRef
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  ClientContentInfo
 This type defines the ClientContentInfo for the ContentService. More...
class  ClientContentInfoExtensions
 This type defines the ClientContentInfoExtensions for the ContentService.
class  ClientManifest
 This type defines the ClientManifest for the ContentService. More...
class  ClientPermissions
 A set of permissions that specify how a player can interact with a resource More...
class  ContentDataInfo
class  ContentDataInfoWrapper
class  ContentDeserializationException
class  ContentFieldAttribute
class  ContentFormerlySerializedAsAttribute
 This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject system. More...
class  ContentLink
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  ContentNotFoundException
class  ContentObject
 This type defines the parent of all Beamable ContentObjects for the ContentService. More...
class  ContentQuery
 A ContentQuery allows you to construct a complex statement that selects specific content by type, tag, or id. More...
class  ContentQueryExtensions
class  ContentRef
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  ContentRegistry
 This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject system.
class  ContentSerializer
class  ContentServiceResolver
class  ContentTypeAttribute
 This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject system. More...
class  ContentTypePair
 This type defines part of the Beamable ContentObject system. More...
class  ContentVisibilityExtensions
class  DisplayableList
class  EmailContent
 This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the MailService. More...
class  EmailLink
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  EmailRef
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  EventContent
 This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the EventsService. More...
class  EventCurrencyObtain
class  EventGroupRewards
class  EventItemObtain
class  EventLink
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  EventObtain
class  EventPhase
class  EventPlayerReward
class  EventRef
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  EventRule
class  EventSchedule
class  FilePathSelectorAttribute
class  HideUnlessServerPackageInstalled
 Use this property attribute to hide a serialized field unless the com.beamable.server package is installed. More...
interface  IApiReward
interface  IContentLink
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
interface  IContentObject
 This type defines the API for Beamable ContentObject and its many subclasses. More...
interface  IContentRef
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  IContentRefExtensions
interface  IContentService
interface  IDictionaryWithValue
class  KVPair
class  LeaderboardUpdate
class  ListingSchedule
class  ListOfApiReward
class  NumericMatchmakingRule
class  Optional
class  OptionalApiRewardList
class  OptionalApiVariableReference
class  OptionalBoolean
class  OptionalBooleanExtensions
class  OptionalClientPermissions
class  OptionalDouble
class  OptionalEventCurrencyList
class  OptionalEventItemList
class  OptionalEventSchedule
class  OptionalInt
class  OptionalListingSchedule
class  OptionalListInt
class  OptionalListString
class  OptionalLong
class  OptionalSchedule
class  OptionalSerializableDictionaryStringToString
class  OptionalString
class  OptionalTypeConverter
class  OptionalTypes
class  OptionalValue
class  PhaseList
class  PlayerReward
 A PlayerReward describes a set of rewards that a player can claim. More...
class  ReadonlyIfAttribute
class  RenderAsRef2Attribute
class  RenderAsRefAttribute
class  Reward
class  RewardsPerRank
class  RouteParameter
class  RouteParameters
class  RouteVariables
class  Schedule
class  ScheduleDefinition
class  ScheduleExtensions
class  ScoringAlgoOption
class  ScoringAlgorithm
class  SerializableDictionary
class  SerializableDictionaryStringToInt
class  SerializableDictionaryStringToLong
class  SerializableDictionaryStringToSomething
class  SerializableDictionaryStringToString
class  SerializableDictionaryStringToStringExtensions
class  ServiceRoute
class  ShowOnlyAttribute
class  SimGameType
 This type defines a Beamable ContentObject subclass for the Multiplayer feature. More...
class  SimGameTypeLink
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  SimGameTypeRef
 This type defines a methodology for resolving a reference to a Beamable ContentObject. More...
class  StringMatchmakingRule
class  TeamContent


enum  ContentVisibility { Public , Private }
enum  PlatformServiceType { UserMicroservice , ObjectService , BasicService }
enum  PlatformWebhookRetryStrategy { None }
enum  PlatformWebhookInvocationType { NonBlocking }
enum  RewardType { Currency }
enum  AlgorithmType { MultiplayerElo }


delegate void ContentDelegate (ContentObject content)
delegate void IContentDelegate (IContentObject content)
delegate void IContentRenamedDelegate (string oldId, IContentObject content, string nextAssetPath)