Beamable SDK
Beamable.Common.Reflection Namespace Reference


struct  AttributeOfInterest
 Struct that defines an attribute of interest and gives us information on where to look for it. More...
struct  AttributeValidationResult
 Result of a data structure that holds the result of a validation performed by IReflectionAttribute. More...
struct  BaseTypeOfInterest
 Struct that defines a base type (class or interface) of interest and gives us information on what to cache in relation to it. More...
class  BeamableReflectionSystemPriorities
 We use this class to control the resolution order of our IReflectionSystems.
interface  INamingAttribute
 Implement this interface over any Attribute to be able to use the existing ReflectionCache utilities that validate things with respect to attributes that are used to name members. More...
interface  IReflectionAttribute
 Implement this interface on attributes to use our validation utilities declared in ReflectionCache. More...
interface  IReflectionSystem
 Implement on systems that want to perform an assembly sweep to cache reflection-related information. More...
interface  IReflectionTypeProvider
 Implement this interface and call ReflectionCache.RegisterTypeProvider to inform the reflection cache that these types are of interest to you. More...
struct  MemberAttribute
 Utility struct that represents a pairing of a MemberInfo with an Attribute instance. This is used to keep the declared attribute and the MemberInfo over which it is declared together throughout our ReflectionCache-ing process. More...
struct  ParameterOfInterest
 Defines a parameter signature of interest so we can guarantee parameters are being declared as we expect them to be. More...
struct  PerAttributeCache
 Struct that holds data for all Attribute-related reflection data caches. More...
struct  PerBaseTypeCache
 Struct that holds data for all BaseType-related reflection data caches. More...
class  ReflectionCache
 Used to initialize all reflection based systems with consistent validation and to ensure we are only doing the assembly sweeping once. We can also use this to setup up compile-time validation of our Attribute-based systems such as Content and Microservices. More...
class  ReflectionCacheExtensions
 Helper class containing useful extensions for dealing with common reflection-related operations.
struct  SignatureOfInterest
 Defines a method signature of interest so that we can validate that game-makers are placing IReflectionAttribute on methods that match expected signatures. More...
struct  UniqueNameCollisionData
 Data struct holding information regarding a name collision. More...
struct  UniqueNameValidationResults
 Validation results of calling ReflectionCacheExtensions.GetAndValidateUniqueNamingAttributes on a list of MemberAttributes containing attributes that implement INamingAttribute. More...