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Classes | Enumerations
Beamable.Experimental.Api.Matchmaking Namespace Reference


class  Match
 This type defines the Match for the MatchmakingService. More...
class  MatchmakingHandle
 This type defines the MatchmakingHandle for the MatchmakingService. More...
class  MatchmakingService
 This type defines the Client main entry point for the Multiplayer feature. More...
class  MatchmakingStateExtensions
 This type defines the MatchmakingStateExtensions for the MatchmakingService.
class  MatchmakingStatus
 This type defines the MatchmakingStatus for the MatchmakingService. More...
class  Team
 This type defines the Team for the MatchmakingService. More...
class  Ticket
 This type defines the Ticket for the MatchmakingService. More...
class  TicketReservationRequest
 This type defines the TicketReservationRequest for the MatchmakingService. More...
class  TicketReservationResponse
 This type defines the TicketReservationResponse for the MatchmakingService. More...


enum  MatchmakingState { Searching , Ready , Timeout , Cancelled }
 This type defines the MatchmakingState for the MatchmakingService. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MatchmakingState

This type defines the MatchmakingState for the MatchmakingService.

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