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Beamable.Player.PlayerAnnouncements Class Reference

A readonly list of the player's Announcements. The data will be updated by the Beamable SDK. More...

Inheritance diagram for Beamable.Player.PlayerAnnouncements:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Beamable.Player.PlayerAnnouncements:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 PlayerAnnouncements (IPlatformService platform, IAnnouncementsApi announcementsApi, PlayerInventory playerInventory, INotificationService notifications, ISdkEventService sdkEventService)
Announcement GetAnnouncement (string id)
 Get the first Announcement that matches the given id. It is possible that the announcement hasn't been pulled from the Beamable Cloud yet, so consider using the IRefreshable.Refresh method. More...
Promise Read (Announcement announcement)
Promise Claim (Announcement announcement)
Promise OnDispose ()
 Used as a way to allow services attached to a IDependencyProvider to clean up their state when the IDependencyProviderScope.Dispose method is called More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Beamable.Common.Player.AbsObservableReadonlyList< Announcement >
IEnumerator< T > GetEnumerator ()
override int GetBroadcastChecksum ()
 The broadcast checksum is a concept for change-detection. More...

Protected Member Functions

override async Promise PerformRefresh ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Beamable.Common.Player.AbsObservableReadonlyList< Announcement >
void SetData (List< T > nextData)

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from Beamable.Common.Player.AbsObservableReadonlyList< Announcement >
int Count [get]
this[int index] [get]
bool IsInitialized [getprotected set]
- Events inherited from Beamable.Common.Player.AbsObservableReadonlyList< Announcement >
Action< List< T > > OnDataUpdated
 An event that happens right after IObservable.OnUpdated, but this one contains the list of internal data.
Action< IEnumerable< T > > OnElementsAdded
 An event that happens when new items are added to the list from a AbsRefreshableObservable.Refresh call. This event happens after the IObservable.OnUpdated event
Action< IEnumerable< T > > OnElementRemoved
 An event that happens when new items are removed to the list from a AbsRefreshableObservable.Refresh call. This event happens after the IObservable.OnUpdated event

Detailed Description

A readonly list of the player's Announcements. The data will be updated by the Beamable SDK.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Claim()

Promise Beamable.Player.PlayerAnnouncements.Claim ( Announcement  announcement)

announcementThe Announcement instance to claim
A Promise representing the work.

◆ GetAnnouncement()

Announcement Beamable.Player.PlayerAnnouncements.GetAnnouncement ( string  id)

Get the first Announcement that matches the given id. It is possible that the announcement hasn't been pulled from the Beamable Cloud yet, so consider using the IRefreshable.Refresh method.

idThe id of the announcement to find
The first matching Announcement

◆ OnDispose()

Promise Beamable.Player.PlayerAnnouncements.OnDispose ( )

Used as a way to allow services attached to a IDependencyProvider to clean up their state when the IDependencyProviderScope.Dispose method is called

A promise that represents when the service's clean up is complete. This promise will hang the entire disposal process of the IDependencyProviderScope

Implements Beamable.Common.Dependencies.IBeamableDisposable.

◆ Read()

Promise Beamable.Player.PlayerAnnouncements.Read ( Announcement  announcement)

announcementThe Announcement instance to mark read
A Promise representing the work.

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