Beamable SDK
Beamable.Experimental.Api.Sim Namespace Reference


class  DeltaScoresByLeaderBoardId
 This type defines the DeltaScoresByLeaderBoardId for the GameRelayService. More...
class  GameRelayEvent
 This type defines the GameRelayEvent for the GameRelayService. More...
class  GameRelayService
 This type defines the Client main entry point for the Multiplayer feature. More...
class  GameRelaySyncMsg
 This type defines the GameRelaySyncMsg for the GameRelayService. More...
class  GameResults
 This type defines the GameResults for the GameRelayService. More...
class  PlayerResult
 This type defines the PlayerResult for the GameRelayService. More...
class  ResultsRequest
 This type defines the ResultsRequest for the GameRelayService. More...
class  SimBehavior
 This type defines the SimBehavior for the Multiplayer feature. More...
class  SimClient
 This type defines the Client main entry point for the Multiplayer feature. More...
class  SimEvent
 This type defines the SimEvent for the Multiplayer feature. More...
class  SimFrame
 This type defines the SimFrame for the Multiplayer feature. More...
class  SimLog
 This type defines the SimLog for the Multiplayer feature. More...
class  SimNetworkEventStream
 This type defines the SimNetworkEventStream for the Multiplayer feature. More...
interface  SimNetworkInterface
 This type defines the SimNetworkInterface for the Multiplayer feature. More...
class  SimNetworkLocal